Re: How to "reset" an object

Jorgen Grahn <>
22 Jun 2010 09:44:49 GMT
On Sat, 2010-06-19, Virchanza wrote:

Let's say I have a struct as follows:

struct MyStruct{

    int a;

    double b;

    std::string str;


And let's say I create a global object of it which has all of its
members (including the intrinsic-type members) default-initialised:

MyStruct g_obj = MyStruct();

Half-way through my program's execution, I want to "reset" this global
object. By "reset", I mean I want all of its member to go back to the
state that they were in when the "g_obj" object was initially created.
I achieve this with the following function:

template<class T>
void ResetObject(T &obj)
    obj.~T(); /* Destruct */

   ::new(&obj) T(); /* Construct */

This works fine for a struct/class object. However, I want this
template function to work for any kind of object, be it an intrinsic
or an array.

Regarding arrays: they aren't objects, and having them as naked
globals is not a good idea. Just refuse to support them, and make your
life easier. You can always nest the arrays in a struct or something.


  // Jorgen Grahn <grahn@ Oo o. . .
\X/> O o .

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