c++ and IoC

Vladimir Jovic <vladaspams@gmail.com>
Tue, 03 Aug 2010 10:33:35 +0200

Following this :
I implemented an example of how I see IoC. This is just a naive attempt,
since the way the parameters are passed to the constructor is not very
good (at least in my opinion :) )

Can someone recommend a better way? A link to an example, or explanation
how it is done, would be best.

Here goes long example :

/// CODE
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <iostream>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <cassert>
#include <memory>

class I
         virtual ~I()

         void foo()

         virtual void doFoo() = 0;

class A : public I
         A( const int v_) : I(),
                            v( v_ )
             std::cout<<"A::A() v="<<v<<std::endl;
         virtual ~A()

         static void setParams( const int nextParam )
             newCreateParam = nextParam;
         static I* create()
             return new A( newCreateParam );

         virtual void doFoo()
             std::cout<<"A::doFoo() v="<<v<<std::endl;

         int v;

         static int newCreateParam;
int A::newCreateParam=0;

class B : public I
         B() : I()
         virtual ~B()

         static I* create()
             return new B;

         virtual void doFoo()

std::map< std::string, I* (*)() > GetCreator()
     std::map< std::string, I* (*)() > m;

     m[ typeid(A).name() ] = &A::create;
     m[ typeid(B).name() ] = &B::create;

     return m;
const std::map< std::string, I* (*)() > creator = GetCreator();

I* CreateObj( const std::string whichOne )
     std::cout<<"Creating new object of type = " << whichOne << std::endl;

     for ( std::map< std::string, I* (*)() >::const_iterator it =
creator.begin(); creator.end() != it; ++ it )
         if ( std::string::npos != it->first.find( whichOne ) )
             I* (*func)() = it->second;
             return func();

     std::cout<<"The creator for the class " << whichOne << " not
found." << std::endl;

     return NULL;

int main()
     A::setParams( 55 );

     std::auto_ptr< I > newObj1( CreateObj( "B" ) );
     std::auto_ptr< I > newObj2( CreateObj( "A" ) );
     std::auto_ptr< I > newObj3( CreateObj( "C" ) );

     if ( NULL != newObj1.get() )
     if ( NULL != newObj2.get() )
     if ( NULL != newObj3.get() )


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