Re: returning a std::auto_ptr, a question of style

Howard Hinnant <>
Mon, 30 Aug 2010 17:57:41 CST
On Aug 30, 12:37 am, Andrew <> wrote:

I was looking for general advice on how to declare a function that
employs the virtual ctor pattern where the caller is given the
responsibility to delete the memory. I admit that if such a function
was declared to return an auto_ptr it would make life difficult for
the user code that wanted to share the ownership. But a library that
declares a virtual ctor function in such a way does not want user code
to share the ownership. Is that such a bad thing? Surely it is better
to have a clear division of responsibilities. Surely it is better to
employ coding conventions that make it hard to a user of the library
to get it wrong. Declaring the function to return a naked pointer is
certainly error-prone, whilst at the same time being very flexible.
The user can assign the result to a smart pointer of his own choosing.
Or he can forget to, in which case there will be a memory leak.

#include <memory>
#include <iostream>

std::auto_ptr<int> source() {return std::auto_ptr<int>(new int(3));}
std::shared_ptr<int> shared_source() {return std::shared_ptr<int>(new

int main()
    // Ok to share
    std::shared_ptr<int> p_shared = source();
    std::cout << *p_shared << '\n';
    // Ok not to share
    std::auto_ptr<int> p_unique = source();
    std::cout << *p_unique << '\n';

    // Ok to share
    std::shared_ptr<int> p_shared2 = shared_source();
    std::cout << *p_shared2 << '\n';
    // Must share
    std::auto_ptr<int> p_unique2 = shared_source();
    std::cout << *p_unique2 << '\n';

Everything works except the line below "Mush share":

error: conversion from ?std::shared_ptr<int>? to non-scalar type
?std::auto_ptr<int>? requested
    std::auto_ptr<int> p_unique2 = shared_source();


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