Re: Variables in "for" Loop

"Johannes Schaub (litb)" <>
Sat, 04 Sep 2010 01:12:18 +0200
Seungbeom Kim wrote:

On 2010-09-01 12:58, Johannes Schaub (litb) wrote:

Johannes Schaub (litb) wrote:

for(struct { list<string> newlines; list<string>::iterator line; }
    loop = { frame(oldlines), loop.newlines.begin() };
    loop.line != loop.newlines.end(); ++loop.line)
{ ... }

Ah, seems I've fallen into a trap. C++03 does not define the order in
which the members are initialized, neither the order in which the
elements in the initializer list are evaluated. C++0x specifies the order
in which the elements of the initializer list are evaluated, but doesn't
specify the order in which the elements are initialized either, it seems.

So the "loop.newlines" is not safe to use because there is no guaranteed
that the list was already created at that point. :(

I'm pretty sure that the members are initialized in the order they are
declared in the struct definition, even in C++03 (12.6.2/5).

I think that wording is only about the ctor-initializer in a constructor
definition. I was using aggregate initialization though :(

However, I agree that this alone doesn't make the technique safe to use,
if the order of evaluation of the expressions in the initializer list is
not specified.

Too bad. I remember some people having asked about this issue in the past.
Would it not be a good thing if C++0x had some guarantees about this?

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