Re: can I use stl vector iterator to delete a vector of pointers?

"Francesco S. Carta" <>
Tue, 07 Sep 2010 13:47:06 +0200
Kai-Uwe Bux <>, on 06/09/2010 20:47:15, wrote:

Francesco S. Carta wrote:

Kai-Uwe Bux<>, on 06/09/2010 19:42:03, wrote:

Francesco S. Carta wrote:

James Kanze<>, on 06/09/2010 10:10:33, wrote:

On Sep 6, 10:16 am, "Francesco S. Carta"<> wrote:

Seungbeom Kim<>, on 06/09/2010 01:50:09, wrote:

So, do we really need to set the pointers to null before destroying
the vector?

As it seems, formally, yes [*], we need to nullify them,
because the actions performed by the vector during
reallocation or during destruction might lead to that lvalue
to rvalue conversion, thus calling UB into play.

Formally, you need to nullify the pointer in the vector before
deleting it, since nullifying it (assigning NULL to it) involves
accessing into the vector, which could theoretically lead to an
lvalue to rvalue conversion.

So to be formally fine I need something like this...

vector<sometype*> vec;
vec.push_back(new sometype);
sometype* ptr = vec[0];
vec[0] = 0;
delete ptr;

...or variations thereof. Thank you for the correction.

Well, that is a somewhat contested issue. More importantly, though, it is
based upon an interpretation of language that is subject to heavy changes
in C++0x. My preliminary understanding of is that a contorted work-around
like the above is not necessary under the C++0x rules.

For your very words, it has to be proved formally necessary even in
C++03, for that matter.

Ok, for C++0x some of the issues for interpreting the standard are:

a) How does 4.1/1 imply that lvalue-rvalue conversion of invalid pointers is
UB? The wording is:

   If the object to which the lvalue refers is not an object of type T and is
   not an object of a type derived from T, or if the object is uninitialized,
   a program that necessitates this conversion has undefined behavior.

Code example:

   int* p = new int();
   delete p;
   int* q = p; // lvalue-rvalue conversion

So, in this example, is the object to which p refers not of type int*? or is
the the object analogous to an uninitialized object?

Assuming the first alternative, we find that

   std::vector< int*> v;
   v.push_back( new int () );
   delete v.back();

creates a vector whose elements are not objects of type int*. In fact, it
would be hard to say what the type of the stored object is. In particular,
is the type of the object in the vector CopyConstructible?

b) How to precisely interpret CopyConstructibility (table 30). E.g.,

   int* p = new int();
   delete p;
   // is int* CopyConstructible at this point?

If one would arge a strong NO here, we arrive at _very_ unwelcome

   std::vector<int*> v;
   v.push_back( new int () );
   int* p = new int ();
   delete p;
   std::vector<int*> w ( v );

The last line would be UB if int* was not CopyConstructible. :-)

Note: I don't wand to suggest how to resolve these issues of interpretation.

Uh... we have quite some unresolved interpretation issues with the
current standard, I was somehow hoping that some of those issues were
going to be dissipated in the upcoming one...

Practically, of course, there
won't be any problems, even on architectures where the lvalue to
rvalue conversion can cause problems.

And you say that because you're confident that most decent
implementations out there will not perform the conversion during the
element assignment - otherwise, your mention about program crashes,
else-thread, would conflict with this statement.

An implementation would have to be deliberately mean and waste resources
on being mean to trigger lvalue-rvalue conversions for no reason.

Uhm... the standard does not forbid implementations to be mean, does it?
ehehehehe ;-)

No, it does not :-)

Kidding apart, I'm just interested in the process of clarifying dark
corners of the standard, in these very posts, and about this, I'd like
to read some elaboration on your first sentence above.

If I understand you correctly, your reading of the standard does not
allow a std::vector implementation to perform lvalue to rvalue
conversions during element assignment, is that what you meant?

No, that's not what I mean. Consider:

   reference operator[] ( size_type n ) {
     value_type dummy ( the_data[n] );
     return ( the_data[n] );

I don't see any language in the standard that would render the above a non-
conforming implementation.

What I mean is: no sane implementation does that.

Ah, but as you put it in first place, it seemed that you were speaking
about the formal interpretation under C++03.

All right, as far as I can tell, the weird and contorted work-around is
still necessary to formally avoid any potential UB under the current

At the practical stage, I will happily send to death any vector of
dangling pointers without many worries ;-)

  FSC - -

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