Re: Any possible fix for tmpfile() on Windows Vista ?
I had the same prolem and created my tmpfile like this if you prefer:
FILE* mytmpfile()
char* name = _tempnam( NULL, NULL );
if( !name )
return 0;
FILE* fp = fopen(name, "wb+TD");
LOG("mytmpfile: name=%s\n", name);
// When name is no longer needed :
return fp;
"Timothy Madden" <>, iletisinde sunu yazdi,
tmpfile() from <stdio.h> requires administrative privileges to run on
Windows Vista (but not on Windows XP or Windows 7) and will fail if
invoked in a non-elevated process.
Is there a Visual Studio library patch (like dinkumware patches, or STL
port, or a Microsoft VS CRT patch ...) to correct this problem ?
tmpfile() is important for my application because it has this property
that the file returned is automatically deleted when closed. Also it opens
a temporary files without the user having to worry about TEMP/TMP
environment varibles, or GetTemporaryDirectory() or temporary name clashes
/ concurrency ...
Thank you,
Timothy Madden