Re: Usage of ? : expressions

Ralph Kube <>
Fri, 28 Jan 2011 08:33:17 CST
Den 28.01.11 01.24, skrev red floyd:

Can you post a minimal compilable, executable example that exhibits
the behavior in question?

Sure. I made an example program that implements my array class, you find
it below. It compiles with
g++ -DUSE_FFTW -L/opt/local/lib -I/opt/local/include -o array_class
array_class.cpp -lfftw3 -lm
It links against fftw3, remove line 2 from the code and omit -DUSE_FFTW
-lfftw -lm from the compile line to not use fftw3.

The purpose of this class is to allocate an array of size either
(Nx+2)*(My+2) if has_gp=true or Nx*My if has_gp=false.
It should properly allocate memory and the () operator is to be used to
access individual elements. Also the =, + and += operator should work
properly. But I think my code below is just fine :)

I removed the underscore and use size_t as the type for sizes now.
Before, I often used the underscore for private members of classes.
The code works fine on its own. When using this class in my
bigger project though, I got sporadic errors in the malloc_zone_malloc,
that I traced back to the operator+ from this class. They caused the
whole program to crash.

So my theory that it was the (? :) expressions that were causing
exceptions in malloc_zone_malloc is wrong. I will keep looking
through my project then. Thank you all for clarifying the use of
the ?: operator.

Cheers, Ralph

#include <fftw3.h>

using namespace std;

class slab_array{

    /// Create Nx * My array, with possible ghost points and initialize to
real value.
    slab_array(int, int, bool, double);

    ///Access functions for single array elements.
    double& operator() (int, int);
    double operator() (int, int) const;

    ///Assignment to double
    slab_array& operator= (const double&);
    slab_array& operator+= (const double&);

    ///Assignment operator
    slab_array& operator= (const slab_array&);

    /// Elementwise addition
    slab_array& operator+=(const slab_array& rhs);
    const slab_array operator+(const slab_array& other) const;

    /// Returns a pointer to array.
    double* get_array() const;
    bool has_ghost_points() const;
    void dump_array();

    double* array;
    size_t Nx;
    size_t My;
    bool has_gp;

slab_array :: slab_array(int nx, int my, bool with_gp, double init) :
    #ifdef USE_FFTW
        array = (double*) fftw_malloc( sizeof(double) * (has_gp ?
(Nx+2)*(My+2) : (Nx*My) ) );
    #ifndef USE_FFTW
        array = new double[ (has_gp ? (Nx+2)*(My+2) : (Nx*My) ) ];

    // Notice the ? : structure in the loop header
    for ( size_t n = 0; n < (has_gp ? Nx+2 : Nx); n++ ) {
        for ( size_t m = 0; m < (has_gp ? My+2 : My) ; m++ ) {
            array[m + n * (has_gp ? My+2 : My)] = init;
        } // for
    } // for


slab_array :: ~slab_array() {
    #ifdef USE_FFTW
    #ifndef USE_FFTW
        delete array;
    array = NULL;

/// Access elements
double& slab_array::operator() (int n, int m){
    if ( n > static_cast<int> (has_gp ? Nx+2 : Nx) ){
        cerr << "Out of bounds: " << n << "> " << (has_gp ? Nx+2 : Nx) <<"\n";
        return array[0];
    if ( m > static_cast<int>(has_gp ? My+2 : My) ){
        cerr << "Out of bounds: " << m << "> "<< (has_gp ? My+2 : My) <<"\n";
        return array[0];

    return ( array[ m + n * (has_gp ? My+2 : My) ] );

double slab_array::operator() (int n, int m) const{
    if ( n > static_cast<int> (has_gp ? Nx+2 : Nx) )
        return -2.0;
    if ( m > static_cast<int> (has_gp ? My+2 : My) )
        return -2.0;

    return ( array[ m + n * (has_gp ? My+2 : My) ] );

/// Assign double value to all elements
slab_array& slab_array::operator= (const double& val) {
    for ( unsigned int n = 0; n < Nx; n++) {
        for ( unsigned int m = 0; m < My; m++) {
            (*this)(n,m) = val;
    return *this;

///Assign one slab_array to another
slab_array& slab_array::operator= (const slab_array& rhs) {
    // 4 possibilities:
    // 1.) rhs uses gp, dst uses no gp => bad, do not copy ghostpoints
    // 2.) rhs uses gp, dst uses gp => ok, copy ghostpoints
    // 3.) rhs uses no gp, dst uses no gp => ok, do not copy ghostpoints
    // 4.) rhs uses no gp, dst uses gp => bad, do not copy ghostpoints
    if ( this != &rhs ) {
        unsigned int n_up = static_cast<int> (Nx);
        unsigned int m_up = static_cast<int> (My);
        if ( rhs.has_ghost_points() == true && (*this).has_ghost_points() ==
true ) {
            n_up = static_cast<int>(Nx+2);
            m_up = static_cast<int>(My+2);
        for ( unsigned int n = 0; n < n_up; n++) {
            for ( unsigned int m = 0; m < m_up; m++ ) {
                (*this)(n,m) = rhs(n,m);
    return *this;

/// Elementwise addition with another slab array
slab_array& slab_array::operator+=(const slab_array& rhs) {
    unsigned int n_up = static_cast<int>(Nx);
    unsigned int m_up = static_cast<int>(My);
    if ( rhs.has_ghost_points() == true && (*this).has_ghost_points() ==
true ) {
        n_up = static_cast<int>(Nx+2);
        m_up = static_cast<int>(My+2);
    for ( unsigned int n = 0; n < n_up; n++ ) {
        for ( unsigned int m = 0; m < m_up; m++ ) {
            (*this)(n,m) += rhs(n,m);
    return *this;

const slab_array slab_array::operator+(const slab_array& other ) const {
    slab_array result(*this);
    result += other;
    return result;

void slab_array::dump_array(){
    for ( int n = 0; n < static_cast<int>(has_gp ? Nx+2 : Nx); n++) {
        for ( int m = 0; m < static_cast<int>(has_gp ? My+2 : My); m++) {
            cout << array[m + n * static_cast<int>(has_gp? Nx+2 : Nx)] << "\t";
        cout << "\n";

double* slab_array::get_array() const{
    return array;

bool slab_array::has_ghost_points() const{

int main(void){
    const size_t Nx = 8;
    const size_t My = 8;

    slab_array a1(Nx, My, false, 3.0);
    slab_array a2(Nx, My, true, 5.0);

    cout << "a1 = \n";
    cout << "a2 = \n";
    cout << "a1+a2 = \n";
    a1 += a2;


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