Re: HEAP error when trying to use free() help needed

"io_x" <a@b.c.invalid>
Wed, 8 Jun 2011 11:11:30 +0200
"none" <> ha scritto nel messaggio

I'm trying to figure out why this testing code do not work and produce
an error in VC++ when returning from the foo method.

here's the code:

   class test {
       char* pPointer;

       test (void) {
          pPointer = (char *) malloc (sizeof(char));


       ~test () {
           free (pPointer); // HEAP error! when returning from foo

       test test::foo (void) {
           test myfoo;
           return myfoo;


   test atest;
   atest =; // HEAP error!

   The pPointer seems to be already freed by foo, why is this? How
can I make this code work?

this is my try,
what does it? assign 255 to what pointer in atest point
i don't know if it is right, we are here for know where is wrong

#include <iostream.h>
#include <stdint.h>

#define u32 uint32_t
#define u8 uint8_t

class test {
  u8* cPointer;

  test(){cPointer=(u8*) malloc(sizeof(u8));
         printf("%p|", cPointer);
 ~test(){printf("~%p|", cPointer);
  test(u8 a)
        {cPointer=(u8*) malloc(sizeof(u8));
         printf("%p|", cPointer);

  test& fooVoid(void)
     {static test myfoo(255);
      return myfoo;

  test& operator=(const test& a)
   return *this;


int main(void)
{test atest;
 u32 v;

 atest = atest.fooVoid();
 cout << "atest.cPointer==" << (void*)atest.cPointer << "\n";
 cout << "atest.cPointer.value==" << v << "\n";

 return 0;


   Thanks in advance

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