Re: Generally, are the programs written by C++ slower than written by C 10% ?

Ian Collins <>
Tue, 06 Sep 2011 22:50:01 +1200
On 09/ 6/11 10:10 PM, KaiWen wrote:

My test code:


int main() {
         clock_t tbeg;

                 tbeg = clock();
                 for (int i = 0; i< 10000000; i++)
                         std::string("hello, world!");

                 std::cout<< "test 1 use "<< clock() - tbeg<<

                 tbeg = clock();
                 for (int i = 0; i< 10000000; i++) {
                         char* str = new char[20];
                         strcpy(str, "hello, world!");
                         delete [] str;

                 std::cout<< "test 2 use "<< clock() - tbeg<<

                 tbeg = clock();
                 for (int i = 0; i< 10000000; i++) {
                         char* str = (char*)malloc(20);
                         strcpy(str, "hello, world!");

                 std::cout<< "test 3 use "<< clock() - tbeg<<

                 tbeg = clock();
                 for (int i = 0; i< 10000000; i++) {
                         char str[20];
                         strcpy(str, "hello, world!");

                 std::cout<< "test 4 use "<< clock() - tbeg<<

         return 0;

test 1 use 1260000
test 2 use 850000
test 3 use 610000
test 4 use 20000

So, could I think that if an object is constructed and destructed
frequently, I should make its member data are POD (not std::string or
some other expensive thing) ? Like this:

Why do you think std::string is necessary expensive? When I tried you
code, I got

test 1 use 650000
test 2 use 660000
test 3 use 570000
test 4 use 0

class temp_cache1 {
         std::string s;
         std::vector<int> v;

class temp_cache2 {
         char s[SIZE];
         int v[SIZE];

Here, is temp_cache2 better than temp_cache1?

I use valgrind trace the test program, found that the std::string
will allocation memory from heap even if the string is very short,
like std::string("abc"), it will allocation memory from heap.

So, either use temp_cache2 or use temp_cache1 and don't let it
reuse its s and v. Am I right?

If you want to avoid heap allocations and know your size requirements up
front, then obviously a static solution will be faster. Until you
actually want to manipulate the strings....

Ian Collins

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