Re: Anything new on run-time libraries loading?

Edek <>
Thu, 03 Nov 2011 20:40:58 +0100
On 11/02/2011 11:03 PM, Paavo Helde wrote:

Edek<> wrote in

Why would you use nm? Why not make an extern C factory method
returning an object with virtual methods you can call (same example)?

The OP did not like extern "C" for some reason. I just clarified it is
technically possible to avoid it (though most probably not wise).

I guess it depends whether we mean "any library", or a plugin.

If the library is not a piece of unrelated software, one can write
a plugin without a single extern "C" and without dlsym. They
just need an API.

A working example (linux, gcc):

----------------------- api.h ------------------
#include <string>
#include <map>

using namespace std;

struct Exc {};

struct object
     object () {};
     virtual void hello () const =0;
     virtual void throwExc () const = 0;

typedef map<string, object*> RegistryT;

-------------------- lib.cpp ------------------
#include "api.h"

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

extern RegistryT registry;

namespace lib {

struct MyObject : public object
     void hello () const { cerr << "MyObject" << endl; }
     void throwExc () const { throw Exc() ; }

struct Registration
     Registration () {
    registry["lib"] = new MyObject();

static Registration reg;

} // namespace
--------------------- main.cpp ----------------
#include "api.h"

#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <iostream>

RegistryT registry;

int main()
    dlopen("./", RTLD_NOW | RTLD_GLOBAL);


    try {
    } catch (Exc& e) {
       cout << "caught Exc" << endl;



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