Re: Is it ever unsafe to realloc?
On 2012-07-12 13:08, fmatthew5876 wrote:
By why do copy/move constructors have to always be called?
Because they are supposed to know the class invariants and maintain them.
With just bit-copying, the class doesn't have a chance to maintain the
invariants. Others in this thread have given examples involving pointers.
And I didn't say "always": if you have a struct { int x, y; }, it's
safe to bit-copy, i.e. without any copy/move constructor involved.
It's safe even if the struct contains pointers, as long as they don't
point somewhere inside itself, because they don't need to be adjusted.
But if the class has a user-defined copy/move constructor, it has one
because it needs one, and copying/moving should be its job.
Can some
objects maintain internal pointers to parts of themselves in vtables?
For instance with virtual functions and/or virtual inheritance?
No. Vtables are per-class, and they can't contain per-object data.
For instance when would this be unsafe?
class A {
A* ptr = (A*)malloc(sizeof(A)*2);
new (ptr) A();
new (ptr+1) A();
ptr = (A*) realloc(ptr, sizeof(A) * 3);
new (ptr+2) A();
or this?
A* ptr1 = (A*)malloc(sizeof(A));
A* ptr2 = (A*)malloc(sizeof(A));
new (ptr1) A();
memcpy(ptr2, ptr1, sizeof(A));
Both cases are unsafe if A is not POD.
Seungbeom Kim
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