Re: Why C++ Is Not ???Back???

Luca Risolia <>
Wed, 05 Dec 2012 04:11:10 +0100
On 05/12/2012 01:49, Jorgen Grahn wrote:

Speaking of that, his main theme is that C++ is *so* huge and complex
compared to C# and Java. I don't know either of those two, but
perhaps someone who does can comment: is that really true today?

With regard to the language itself, Java has always been behind compared
to C++. As a simple example, have a look at what you had (or still have)
to write in Java to safely use a stream:

try {
     r = new Reader(...);
     // do something
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
     try {
         if (r != null) // cannot omit != null, no convertion op.
     } catch (Exception e){

That is *complex*. Only with Java 7 they finally realized that above
code is too cumbersome and patched the language by inventing (yet)
another construct called "try with resource" (a sort of RAII), which in
turn introduces new concepts such as "AutoCloseable"...

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