fails to call destructor in a linked list

alexo <>
Tue, 26 Feb 2013 13:35:26 -0800 (PST)
Hello posters,
I'm starting to study C++ after a brief panoramic of the C language.
The first problem I have to face is to avoid memory leaks in a testing
singly linked list. I'm not sure neither mine is the best way to
implemnt one [and I'd like to read your suggestions and advices].

My destructor prints a message to show it has been called, but when the
list goes out of scope at the end of main no message gets printed.

I'll read your posts,
thank you

 **** cut here ****

#include <iostream>

using std::cout;
using std::endl;

// the node class containing data

class Node

        Node *next;

        int getValue() const { return itsDatum; }

        int itsDatum;


// constructor implementation

Node::Node(int itsDatum):
itsDatum(itsDatum) {}

// destructor implementation

    delete next;
    cout << "node deleted." << endl;

void print(Node *);
void push(Node **, int);
void pushBack(Node **, int);

int main()

    Node *head = 0; // head is the head of the empty list

    push(&head, 1);
    push(&head, 2);
    push(&head, 3);
    push(&head, 4);


    return 0;

// insert an element to the top of the list

void push(Node **phead, int value)
    Node *n = new Node(value);

    if(n != 0)

        if(*phead == 0)
            *phead = n;
            n->next = *phead;
            *phead = n;
        cout << "\nmemory allocation error." << endl;

// pushes an element to the end of the list

void pushBack(Node **phead, int value)
    Node *temp = new Node(value);

    if(temp != 0)
        if(*phead == 0)
            *phead = temp;
            Node *index = *phead;

            while(index->next != 0)
                index = index->next;
            index->next = temp;
        cout << "memory allocation error.";

// prints the list checking wheter it is an empy list

void print(Node *index)
    if(index != 0)
        while(index != 0)
            cout << index->getValue() << " ";
            index = index->next;
        cout << endl;
        cout << "\athe list is empty." << endl;

      [ See for info about ]
      [ comp.lang.c++.moderated. First time posters: Do this! ]

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