Re: insert [sorted] a node in a linked list

"James K. Lowden" <>
Mon, 11 Mar 2013 15:05:22 -0700 (PDT)
On Mon, 11 Mar 2013 09:38:38 -0700 (PDT)
alexo <> wrote:

 Now the list is sorted almost completely. The sole exception
is the very first node inserted that remains as last Node.
Any suggestion?


void Linked_List::insert_after(int value, Node * after_me)
    Node * new_node = new Node(value);
    new_node->next = after_me->next;
    after_me->next = new_node;

You may have noticed in reading about the STL the odd-looking
mathematical notation for what's known as a "half-open" interval:

      [begin, end)

It indicates that "begin" is part of the range and "end" is not. Cf. It's a useful way to
think about any sequence.

To see if, say, "x" is in the range, the test is

    if( begin <= x && x < end )

Note that no value of x satisfies the test when begin == end.

How does that apply to your function? Ask: how to insert a node before
the first node? (Bonus question: how to insert before *any* node?!)

    if(temp == 0) // if the list is empty
        insert_after(value, head);

Not that way! The sequence you really want to iterate over is

    (begin, end]

You need a before-the-beginning position because you can only insert

More concretely, the list is created with one empty node

        Linked_List() { head = new Node(); }

and there's no Node method to set its data thereafter. It would
probably be better to start with

        Linked_List() : head(0) {}

and change insert_after such that when "after" is NULL, it represents
the position before the head

    Node *p = new Node(value);
    if( after == 0 ) {
        p->next = head;
        head = p;
    } else {
        after->next = p;

That has the nice property of dealing with an empty list in a nonspecial
way. :-)

Aside: this thread has been very instructive IMO, and not only to you.
While the advice to just use the std containers is well founded, the
process of trying to program a linked list reveals how fiddly they are
and emphasizes the value of a correct, debugged implementation.


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