Seek for help..linked list..urgent!!!

thong mfong <>
Sun, 12 May 2013 02:11:38 -0700 (PDT)
I 'm C++ programming beginner..I need someone help me ..
There is error "expected primary-expression before "template""..I 'm really don't know how to fix compiler is Dev C++..pls giv me a favor..
Thanks for helping...

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;

fstream fp; // fstream provides an interface to read and write data from files as input/output streams.
ofstream ofp; // ofstream provides an interface to write data to files as output streams

template <class Type1, class Type2>
struct nodeType
       Type1 month;
       Type1 day;
       Type1 year;
       Type2 participant;
       Type2 task_title;
       Type1 status;
       nodeType<Type1,Type2> *link;

template <class Type1, class Type2>
class c_system
              void initialiseList();
              bool isEmpty();
              void insert(Type1 dd, Type1 mm, Type1 yy, Type2 person, Type2 title,Type2 description);
              void addDetail();

                nodeType<Type1,Type2> *first;
                nodeType<Type1,Type2> *last;

template <class Type1, class Type2>
c_system<Type1,Type2> :: c_system()
      first = NULL;
      last = NULL;

template <class Type1, class Type2>
void c_system<Type1,Type2> :: insert(Type1 dd, Type1 mm, Type1 yy, Type2 person, Type2 title,Type2 description)
     nodeType<Type1,Type2> *current;
     nodeType<Type1,Type2> *trailCurrent;
     nodeType<Type1,Type2> *newNode;
     bool found;
     newNode = new nodeType<Type1,Type2>;
     assert(newNode != NULL); //terminate the program if cant allocate memory//
     newNode ->day = dd; //store details into node
     newNode ->month =mm;
     newNode ->year =yy;
     newNode ->participant = person;
     newNode ->task_title = title;
     newNode -> des=description;
     newNode ->link = NULL;
     newNode ->status = "pending";

     if(first ==NULL) //if there is empty list
         first = newNode;
         last = newNode;
         current = first;
         found = false;
         while(current !=NULL &&!found)
               if(current->participant >= newNode->participant)
               found = true;
                   trailCurrent = current;
                   current = current ->link;
         if(current == first)
             newNode->link = first;
             first = newNode;
             trailCurrent->link = newNode;
             newNode ->link = current;
             if(current == NULL)

             last = newNode;
template <class Type1, class Type2>
void c_system<Type1,Type2> ::addDetail()
     Type1 d,m,y;
     Type2 people,name_title;
     cout<<"Please enter the following details."<<endl;
     cout<<"Date: (dd mm yy)";
     cout<<"Participant: ";
     cout<<"Title: ";
     cout<<"Description: ";
     insert(d, m,y,people,name_title); //call function to insert data into node of the list

template <class Type1, class Type2>
void c_system<Type1,Type2> :: displayList()
     nodeType<Type1,Type2> *current;
     current = first;

     while(current != NULL) //while there are nodes in the list
        cout<<"Date: "<<current->day<<current->month<<current->year<<endl;
        cout<<"Participant: "<<current->participant<<endl;
        cout<<"Title: "<<current->task_title<<endl;
        cout<<"Description: "<<current->des<<endl;
        cout<<"Status: "<<current->status<<endl;
        current = current->link;

int main()
    c_system<string,long long> obj;
    time_t d = time(0);
    tm* current_date = localtime(&d);
    cout<<"Time and Date: "<<ctime(&d)<<endl;
    cout<<" ***My Calendar*** "<<endl;
      cout<<"Select an option which you want to proceed. "<<endl;
      cout<<"1.Add the Task"<<endl;
      cout<<"2.Delete the Task"<<endl;
      cout<<"3.Display all Task"<<endl;
      cout<<"0.To exit the program"<<endl;
         case 0: cout<<"Program ended"<<endl;
         case 1: obj.addTask();
         case 2: obj.deleteTask();
         case 2: obj.displayList();
         default: cout<<"Invalid input."<<endl;
    return 0;

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