Re: Shift elements of an array

Leigh Johnston <>
Sun, 06 Oct 2013 17:28:16 +0100
On 06/10/2013 17:16, Rosario1903 wrote:

On Sun, 6 Oct 2013 07:12:46 -0700 (PDT), Vlad from Moscow wrote:

I have understood nothing. What is the relation between the original task and your post?

???????????, 6 ??????? 2013 ?., 14:14:40 UTC+4 ???????????? Rosario1903 ???????:

On Fri, 4 Oct 2013 13:44:22 -0700 (PDT), Vlad from Moscow wrote:

Rotating is not the same as shifting.

if you have in r[15] the rotate division of n bit of a[15]

for obtain the shift division it is enought fill the range of bit


with 0 bit

if it is shift mult

and ave in r[15] rotate mult

fill the range of r[15]

0..n with 0 bit

i read wrong it seem to me the problem was shift one array of bit...
even if i'm not a C++ expert, this is my try in shift one array of

#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>

using namespace std;
#define u32 unsigned
#define u8 unsigned char

class myarray{
  myarray(){arr=(u8*) malloc(15);
            if(arr==0) exit(-1);

  myarray(u32 c)
           {if(c>0xFFFF) exit(-1);
            if(arr==0) exit(-1);

  myarray(char* c)
           {u32 v, i;
            else {v=strlen(c)+1;}
            if(arr==0) exit(-1);
            if(v==1) *arr=0;
            else {for(i=0; i<v ; ++i)
                    if(c[i]==0) break;
                  for(; i<v;++i)

  friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, myarray& ma)
  {u32 i;
      for(i=0; i<ma.s-1; ++i)
   return os<<ma.arr[i];

  u32 shiftd(myarray& ma, u32 pos)
  {u32 i, j;
        if(arr==0) exit(-1);
        {for(i=0;i<s; ++i) arr[i]=0;}
   else {/* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 */
         /* | shiftd 3*/
   return 1;

u32 s;
u8 *arr;

int main()
{myarray v("this and that"), ma;

  cout<<"at start v=["<<v <<"]\n";
  ma.shiftd(v, 3);
  cout<<"at end ma=["<<ma<<"]\n";

  return 0;
at start v=[this and that ]
at end ma=[s and that ]

#include <cstdlib>
uint8_t, uint32_t.

Also, "using namespace std;" is rather poor.


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