Re: Correct vesion (Re: Clone an object with an abstract base class)

Mr Flibble <>
Sun, 12 Oct 2014 01:20:36 +0100
On 12/10/2014 01:18, Mr Flibble wrote:

On 12/10/2014 00:55, JiiPee wrote:

On 12/10/2014 00:26, JiiPee wrote:

How about checking the type of the *b object first and creating that
type of object:

void f2(B *b) {
    B *b1 = nullptr;
    if( typeid(*b).name() == typeid(D1).name() )
        b1 = new D1(*b1); // *b is type D1
    else if( typeid(*b).name() == typeid(D2).name() )
        b1 = new D2(*b1); // *b is type D2

and maybe also *b1 must be converted to its type like:
new D1( *((D1*)b1) )

this is better and compiles:

void f2(B *b) {
     B *b1 = nullptr;
     if( typeid(*b).name() == typeid(D1).name() )
         b1 = new D1(*(reinterpret_cast<D1*>(b1)));
     else if( typeid(*b).name() == typeid(D2).name() )
         b1 = new D2(*(reinterpret_cast<D2*>(b1)));

You should use static_cast not reinterpret_cast when casting from base
to derived.

Of course your solution doesn't scale: what if b points to an object
derived from D1?

Much better solution is to have a pure virtual clone() method.


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