Re: simply code with templete
mos <> wrote:
the problem is the list: p = *it and map: p = it->second
Use an accessor. So in essence, you call a function, pass it the
iterator and it returns the value you want.
Thanks for your advise, I try like this:
class a
bool IsValid(){
return false;
list<a*> m_list;
map<int,a*> m_map;
template<class T>
class wrap
typedef typename T* Output;
typedef typename list<Output>::iterator Input1;
typedef typename map<int,Output>::iterator Input2;
Output m_p;
wrap(Input1 in1){
m_p = *in1;
wrap(Input2 in2){
m_p = in2->second;
Output operator() (){
return m_p;
template<class LIST, class T>
void removeT(LIST& m_list)
for(LIST::iterator it = m_list.begin(); it != m_list.end(); )
T* p = wrap<T>(it)();
if (!p->IsValid())
delete p;
it = m_list.erase(it);
void test()
it is work, am I right, or any better suggestion?
I haven't tried it, but it looks alright. As for a better
suggestion: you are limiting yourself to the list and map containers. If
you later decide to use a vector instead of a list, you will have to
manually change your wrap function. Here is what I came up with:
// general implementation for containers
template <typename C>
struct value_of
inline static typename C::value_type get (typename C::iterator i)
return *i;
// specialized implementation for maps
template <typename K, typename V>
struct value_of < typename std::map <K, V> >
inline static typename std::map <K, V>::value_type::second_type get
(typename std::map <K, V>::iterator i)
return i->second;
template <class C>
void remove (C& container)
for (typename C::iterator it = container.begin (); it !=
container.end(); )
if (!value_of <C>::get (it)->IsValid ())
delete value_of <C>::get (it);
it = container.erase (it);
++ it;
Also note that you no longer have to call your function like
"removeT <list <a*>, a> (m_list);". Simply writing "remove (m_list);" is
sufficient (now the compiler will plug in all the necessary details for
(reply address in rot13, unscramble first)