Re: overloading of ","

"josh" <>
13 Mar 2007 02:38:14 -0700
On 12 Mar, 11:17, "josh" <> wrote:

Hi, I coded the following but It does not return what I expect, why?

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Other
        int i;

        Other(int x=1)
                i = x;

        Other *operator-> () { return this;}

        Other &operator+ (Other t)
                i += t.i;

                return *this;

        Other &operator,(Other oth)
                i = oth.i;

                return *this;


int main()
        Other o0, o1, o2(4), o3(5);

        o0->i = 100;

        cout << o0.i << "\n" << o0->i << "\n";

       // HERE it returns 5 AND not 6 WHY ???????????????????
        Other ox = (o1 + o1, o3 = o2 + o1);
       // ------------------
        cout << ox.i << endl;

        return 0;


the precedence, associativity and arity of overload operator, as rule,
"should" be the same for the PDO but here for the comma it doesn't
seem so...
if I add to my class an overload of * and than I make i.e.
o1 + o2 * 03 the evaluation order is correct and in fact will be FIRST
o2 * o3 and SECOND
o1 + (the mul result).
So I think that the compiler when meet that expression will do:
but it should do the same with:
(o1.operator+(o1)).operator,(o3 = 02.operator+(o1))
so it should evaluate from left to right as the same PDO rule...
so what's wrong?

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