Copy Constructor

"john" <>
2 Apr 2007 22:32:10 -0700
Hey guys,

Thank you for your input from the last topic. I tried referencing my c+
+ book and googled the topic but i'am still confused a bit. I have
another problem with that same code. I was hinted what i needed all
along was a copy constructor for class A.

Class B contains a = new A(x) in it's constructor. This is good but
this doesn't make sense. Does that really fit the specs of either
construtors of class A?? So i was brought into the area of making a
copy constructor for class A. This is where i'am having problems i
made one that creates a copy of n but i cannot of x it does not
consider x a member of class A. Do i need to use pointer this?? Code

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class A
  int n ;
   A(int x):n(x)
    n = x;


   void print()
   { cout << n<<"\n\n";

    A(const A& objectCopy){

            n = objectCopy.n; // copy constructor



   class B
    A * a;


    B(A & x)

      a = new A(x);


      void print ()
       B(const B& copy){ // Class B copy constructor
          a = copy.a;
            //int *p;

            //p = new copy.a;
         const B &operator=(const B x){
          a = x.a; // Operator
             delete a;


   int main()

        A a(5);

        B b = a;


            A a1 (7);
            B b1 =a1;
            b = b1;

        cout << endl;
        int trick;
        cin >> trick;
        return 0;


Thanks guys,


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