Re: comma overload semantics
On 4 Srp, 13:54, terminator <> wrote:
the following compiles unless the first line is uncommented .
when I try to uncomment the first line I get:
error : 'B &FM::operator ,(FM::mystruct<A>,B &)' : could not deduce
template argument for 'FM::mystruct<A>' from
As long as 'mystruct' is a normal struct no error occures,but there is
some trouble with template version.
error refers to to the 'assign' method of
'std::basic_string<_Elem,_Traits,_Ax>' :
_Myt& assign(const _Myt& _Right, size_type _Roff, size_type _Count)
{ // assign _Right [_Roff, _Roff + _Count)
...//some code here
if (this == &_Right)
erase((size_type)(_Roff + _Num)), erase(0, _Roff);// substring
...//some code here
I am confused since 'mystruct' does not declare any ctors and normally
the compiler should not try to cast anything to it . So, after failure
to find the appropriate overload , the default version must be used .
Is there any problem with my compiler or I have to declare a default
version? I mean some thing like this:
template <typename A, typename B>
inline B& operator,(A &,B& b){return b;};//default comma in global
Is there any restriction on overloading comma?
What are the semantics for overloading comma?
//#define uncomment
#include <iostream>
#ifdef uncomment/*template version of mystruct*/
# define BiTemplate(A,B) template < typename A ,typename B >
# define UnoTemplate(A) template < typename A >
# define With(A) < A >
#else/*none template version of mystruct: ignore A .*/
# define BiTemplate(A,B) template < typename B >
# define UnoTemplate(A)
# define With(A)
namespace FM{
struct mystruct{
B& operator,(mystruct With(A) ,B& i){return i;};
using namespace FM;
void main(void){};//just do nothing
Thanks in advance,
Are you using Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2005? I see the same
here (not with your code, though). It seems VS is not applying SFINAE
correctly for some reason (I guess). Or it is somehow relating totally
unrelated code (your comma vs. normal ystem comma, which should be
in assign).
I think it is a bug in compiler.
Jiri Palecek