In article <>, says...
is there a simple integer type library around that behaves like normal
integers, i.e has all the same operations, but except the value can
only be in a specific range, like 0 to 100, and if the value is
outside of this range, it will throw an exception or assert fail?
This might fill the bill:
#include <exception>
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
template <class T, class less=std::less<T> >
class bounded {
const T lower_, upper_;
T val_;
bool check(T const &value) {
return less()(value, lower_) || less()(upper_, value);
void assign(T const &value) {
if (check(value))
throw std::domain_error("Out of Range");
val_ = value;
bounded(T const &lower, T const &upper)
: lower_(lower), upper_(upper) {}
bounded(bounded const &init) { assign(init); }