Re: ambiguous constructor? Is it right?

 James Kanze <>
Wed, 26 Sep 2007 01:29:49 -0700
On Sep 25, 3:58 pm, Barry <> wrote:

Zeppe wrote:

Barry wrote:

Zeppe wrote:

I have the following problem, that I'll try to explain with a very
minimal example:

class A

class B
    B() { }
    B(const A&) { }
    B(const B&) { }

class C
    operator A() const { return A(); }
    operator B() const { return B(); }

int main(){
    const C& c = C();
    B b = static_cast<B>(c);
    return 0;

Basically, I would expect that casting a const C& to B
would call the operator B() of C and that the construction
C -> B (through the copy

what makes "operator B()" have higher priority?

because I specified a method for the conversion of C into B,
in C. I would expect it to be called in the static cast. The
other way (C->A->B) implies one level of implicit
conversion, doesn't it?

According to =A75.2.9/3 (static_cast):

    Otherwise, an expression e can be explicitly converted
    to a type T using a static_cast of the form
    static_cast<T>(e) if the declaration T t(e); is
    well-formed, for some invented temporary variable t
    (8.5). The effect of such an explicit conversion is the
    same as performing the declaration and initialization
    and then using the temporary variable as the result of
    the conversion. [...]

So overload resolution treats the expression as if it were:
    B untamedTemp( c ) ;
(followed by B b( untamedTemp ) ;). B has two constructors, one
which takes a const A&, and one which takes a const B&. C can
convert (equally well) to one or the other.

constructor) would be preferred to C -> A -> B. In Visual C++ 9 it
actually does so, but gcc complains that there is an ambiguity. Who's
right (I guess Visual c++) and, in case, how could I nicely work
around the problem?

gcc is right,
You can compile using VC with /Za option, which disables the
extension, and produces the compile error.
I know ya gonna complain. :-)

No, I'm not, just a little bit disappointed :) And what about a
workaround? Is the only way to solve this to clean up one of the two
conversion ways?

I think it is, since it violates the standard.

The "work-around" is to not define so many implicit conversions.
Generally, too many implicit conversions will lead to
ambiguities. And even if it doesn't, it leads to code which is
hard to understand and to maintain.

James Kanze (GABI Software)
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