Re: template friend class

Kira Yamato <>
Sun, 17 Feb 2008 17:01:35 -0500
On 2008-02-17 16:46:39 -0500, Jeff Schwab <> said:

Kira Yamato wrote:

A question about declaring a friend class. The following does not compile:

template<class C>
class B

friend class C;

g++4.0.1 returns the error message

   error: using template type parameter 'C' after 'class'

So, is there a way to declare a friend class from the template parameter?

NB: I'm not sure why you want to do this, and I don't necessarily endorse it.

AFAIK, you would have to specialize the template explicitly for each
parameter type. For example:

     template<typename C> struct B;

     struct S { };

     template<> struct B<S> { friend class S; };

You could write a macro to create specializations:

     template<typename C> struct B;

     #define SPECIALIZE_B(param) \
         template<> struct B<param> { friend class param; }

     struct S { };
     struct T { };


Btw, why do you actually want this feature?

Well, I'm trying to write a template to implement some inner classes.
To be more specific, I have the following template

template<class C, typename M, M (C::*get)() const, void (C::*set)(const M &)>
class member_accessor : private noncopyable
        member_accessor(C &c) : c(c) {}

        operator M() const { return (c.*get)(); }
        member_accessor &operator=(const M &n) { (c.*set)(n); return *this; }

        C &c;

This template allows me to write the following:

class A
    A() : x(*this) {}

    int get_x() const;
    void set_x(const int &y);

    member_accessor<A, int, &A::get_x, &A::set_x> x;

A a;
a.x = 3; // actually invokes a.set_x(3);
int y = a.x; // actually invokes y = a.get_x();

However, I want to hide the constructor of 'member_accessor' so that
only the container class C can initiate object of type
member_accessor<C, ...>.

The way I thought of doing that is to move the constructor to private
in the member_accessor template and declare the template parameter
class C as friend. That is,

template<class C, typename M, M (C::*get)() const, void (C::*set)(const M &)>
class member_accessor : private noncopyable
        operator M() const { return (c.*get)(); }
        member_accessor &operator=(const M &n) { (c.*set)(n); return *this; }

        member_accessor(C &c) : c(c) {} // constructor moved to private.
        C &c;

friend class C; // (*) declare class C friend so that C can access
the private constructor.

But the g++4.0.1 won't allow line (*).


// kira

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