Re: STL function object vs. static member function
On 26 Feb, 19:44, gnuyuva <> wrote:
On Feb 26, 3:12 am, wrote:
I want to embed a function in a class, lets say a function that
transforms an integer variable into another.
The first idea to do that is:
class Func {
static int apply(int a) {...}
To invoke the function, I have to type
But I want to use the boost lambda library on my function, which
demands to embed the function in a STL function object:
class Func {
int operator(int a) const {...}
I dont think you have compiled your program!! First do it.
The correct syntax is ' int operator()(int a) const {.. return val; }
It's also a good thing to make the function object adaptable.
class Func : std::unary_function<int, int> // return type and arg.
Because operator(int a) is not a static member, for the invokation I
have to create an object of the class first:
[Is this the correct way to invoke a STL function object?]
no, its
Func your_object;
int number;
There's nothing wrong with
int a = 2;
Func()(a); // creates a temporary Func, and calls Func::operator()
Compared to the static-function-approach, now there is an extra call
to the constructor of the class Func.
I wonder if the compiler can optimize the constructor away in all
Concerning the performance, is the second approach as good as the
first approach?
Generally, yes. When using the function object with an algorithm, it
could sometimes be faster because it is more easily inlined than a
reference to function.
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