Re: Simple List Access by Index
On 8 Dez., 00:48, Francis Glassborow
<> wrote:
Daniel Kr?gler wrote:
int operator=(const Node& N) { return; }
I recommend to obey const-correctness: Functions
like getData and printData should be declared as
const members functions. The signature of operator=
is quite unusual, but feasible.
I am not sure about that. He has declared a copy assignment that does
not copy. So, for example:
Node n1, n2;
n2 = n1;
n2 remains uninitialised. I think that is doomed to produce inscrutable
You are absolutely right Francis! Slap on my head - I was only
checking the
signature not the content!
And that reminds me to mention that the OP *needs* to provide proper
versions of the copy assignment operator and the copy constructor of
List - Funny things will happen, should the OP start to copy the
list (explicitly or implicitly).
- Daniel
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