Re: Const constructor

SG <>
Fri, 19 Jun 2009 11:22:27 CST
On 19 Jun., 04:42, Dragan Milenkovic wrote:

Anyway, here is a version of ArraySlice that you might like.
It can be implemented with SFINAE, but that gets ugly.
With "concepts" on the way, it gets a lot cleaner.

template <typename Element>
class ArraySlice {
     explicit ArraySlice(Element * a, int from, int to)
       : m_a(a+from), m_len(to-from) {}

     template <typename RhsElement>
       requires Same<Element, RhsElement>
             || Same<Element, const RhsElement>
     ArraySlice(ArraySlice<RhsElement> const & rhs)
       : m_a(rhs.m_a), m_len(rhs.m_len) {}

     template <typename RhsElement>
       requires Same<Element, RhsElement>
             || Same<Element, const RhsElement>
     ArraySlice & operator=(ArraySlice<RhsElement> const & rhs)
         m_a=rhs.m_a; m_len=rhs.m_len;
         return *this;

     Element & operator[](int index) const;

     Element * m_a;
     int m_len;


There are a couple of issues:

(1) SameType<Element, RhsElement> is not necessary because the
     will generate a non-templated default copy-ctor
(2) SameType<Element, const RhsElement> is actually the wrong
     SameType<const Element, RhsElement> is the right one.
(2) "||" for constraining templates is not part of the current draft.
(3) You forgot to declare ArraySlice<T> to be a friend of
     ArraySlice<U> for T!=U.

A conceptized version of a user-defined pointer wrapper can be written
like this:

    template<typename T>
    class my_pointer
       template<typename> friend class my_pointer;

       my_pointer(T* p) : ptr(p) {}

       template<typename U> requires std::Convertible<U*,T*>
       my_pointer(my_pointer<U> const& x) : ptr(x.ptr) {}

       T* operator->() const {return ptr;}
       T& operator*() const {return *ptr;}

       T* ptr;

A C++98 version would look like this:

    #include <iostream>

    /* enable_if<T,U,R>::type is R
     * <==> T is const U and U is non-const
    template<typename T, typename U, typename R = char>
    struct enable_if_cnc {};
    template<typename U, typename R>
    struct enable_if_cnc<const U, U, R> {typedef R type;};

    template<typename T>
    class my_pointer
       template<typename> friend class my_pointer;

       my_pointer(T* p) : ptr(p) {}

       template<typename U>
       my_pointer(my_pointer<U> x,
          typename enable_if_cnc<T,U>::type=0)
       : ptr(x.ptr) {}

       T* operator->() const {return ptr;}
       T& operator*() const {return *ptr;}

       T* ptr;

    int main()
       int i = 23;
       my_pointer<int> pi = &i;
       my_pointer<const int> pci = pi;
       *pi = 42;
       std::cout << *pci << '\n';

The function enabler enable_if_cnc<T,U> is not exactly a translation
of Convertible<U*,T*> but it's the one I use for my 2D and 3D raster
container "locators". You can easily replace this with something like

       template<typename U>
       my_pointer(my_pointer<U> x,
          typename enable_if< convertible<U*,T*>::value >::type=0)
       : ptr(x.ptr) {}

if you want.


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