Can't understand this problem with ref counting class?
Here is my code
///reference counting
struct ref_type
ref_type() : cnt(0) {}
int ref_add()
return ++cnt;
int ref_remove()
return --cnt;
unsigned ref_cnt() const { return cnt; }
unsigned cnt;
template <class T>
// T must derive from ref_type
// or supply methods ref_add and ref_remove
struct ref_ptr
ref_ptr() : ptr(0) {}
ref_ptr(T* p) : ptr(p) { if(p) p->ref_add(); }
ref_ptr(const ref_ptr& that) : ptr(that.ptr) { if(ptr) ptr->ref_add
(); }
~ref_ptr() { dereference(); }
T& operator*() const { return *ptr; }
T* operator->() const { return ptr; }
operator T*() const { return ptr; }
void reset() { dereference(); ptr = 0; }
void swap(ref_ptr& that) { std::swap(ptr, that.ptr); }
T* release() //dereference without deleting
T* p = ptr;
if(p) {
ptr = 0;
return p;
ref_ptr& operator=(const ref_ptr& that)
if(&that!=this && that.ptr!=ptr) {
if((ptr = that.ptr)!=0)
return *this;
bool operator==(const ref_ptr& that) const { return ptr ==
that.ptr; }
bool operator==(T* that) const { return ptr == that; }
bool operator!=(const ref_ptr& that) const { return ptr !=
that.ptr; }
bool operator!=(T* that) const { return ptr != that; }
bool operator<(const ref_ptr& that) const { return ptr <
that.ptr; }
bool operator<(T* that) const { return ptr < that; }
T* ptr;
void dereference()
if (ptr!=0 && ptr->ref_remove()==0)
delete ptr;
//template <class T> END
template<class T>
void swap(ref_ptr<T>& a, ref_ptr<T>& b) { a.swap(b); }
class test : public ref_type
void set(int val){ m_value = val; }
int get() const { return m_value; }
typedef ref_ptr<test> ptr_type;
int m_value;
int main(){
test::ptr_type pmytest = new test;
test::ptr_type pTest1(pmytest); //increments ref count
//in above code line test::ptr_type pTest1(pmytest); correctly
increments ref counter to 2
//however, if I use like this: test* pmytest = new test; then ref
counter is not incremented to 2. Why?
return 0;
For convenience I want to be able to use more convenient test* pTest =
new test; - and for ref counter to be incremented. It works if use
test::ptr_type. But test inherits from ref_type so why does it not