Re: enum and operator++
On 01/20/2010 11:07 PM, Saeed Amrollahi wrote:
Dear all
I am struggling with a problem that's simple per se.
I have an enum and a prefix ++ operator:
enum Dir { North = 1, East = 2, South = 3, West = 4, Max_ = 5 }; //
Dir operator++(Dir d)
Dir dd;
switch (d) {
case North:
dd = East;
case East:
dd = South;
case South:
dd = West;
case West: // wrap
dd = North;
return dd;
void f()
for (Dir d = North; d< Max_; ++d)
----->for (Dir d = North; d< Max_; d=++d)
// do something
The problem is: in the above loop the ++ doesn't work,
indeed the loop is infinite. If you replace // do something with
output statement, it prints 1 forever.
It is really annoying.
please throw a ligth.
-- Saeed Amrollahi
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