Re: Multimap: how to get a key list?

Pavel <>
Wed, 03 Mar 2010 23:40:05 -0500
Daniel T. wrote:

Michael Doubez<> wrote:

On 2 mar, 14:38, "Daniel T."<> wrote:

Michael Doubez<> wrote:

Another solution is to use decoration:
template<typename iterator_type>
class key_iterator:
    std::iterator< typename iterator_type::iterator_category
                 // return type of iterator is key type
                 , typename iterator_type::value_type::first_type
                 , typename iterator_type::difference_type

     // put here the typedefs iterator_category, ...

     // build from
     key_iterator(const iterator_type& i):it(i){}

     // usual operation on iterator
     key_iterator& operator++()
     { ++it;return *this;}

     view_iterator operator++(int)
     { return key_iterator(it++);}

     bool operator == (const key_iterator& rhs) const
     {return it ==;}

     // and so on for other iterator operations

     // return key
     reference operator*() const
     {return it->first; }
     pointer operator->() const
     {return&it->first; }

      iterator_type it;

And then you can use
template<class T>
key_iterator<typename T::iterator_type> key_begin(T& container)
  return container.begin();

template<class T>
key_iterator<typename T::iterator_type> key_end(T& container)
  return container.end();

You can do whatever you want on the keys of an associative container.

std::accumulate(key_begin(aMap),key_end(aMap), 0 );

I think part of the point of the exorcise was to remove duplicate keys
from the multimap.

std::unique_copy() with the decorated iterator does the trick.

I like this idea better than the ones I came up with. OK if I use it?

There is a caveat: unique_copy will not work for any comparator. In
fact, the uniqueness requirement is not well-defined. If it is "leave no
equivalent keys in terms of map comparator", neither of the proposed
solutions other than set-based and upper_bound-based will work in
general. If it's anything else, it depends on even more.. Blame OP :-)


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