Re: Trying to understand "&&"

Chameleon <>
Sun, 02 Jan 2011 14:59:46 +0200
???????? 01/01/2011 22:02, ??/?? SG ????????????:

On 1 Jan., 14:42, Chameleon<> wrote:

class A
     A(const char *string);

The copy constructor usually takes a reference to a CONST.

Yes, Indeed.

     A&& operator+(A&a) {
         A b;
         b.str = new char[strlen(this->str) + strlen(a.str) + 1];

This this->str as well as a.str could be null pointers couldn't they?

Of course. But it is a very very super fast sample. So I don't check
every case.

         strcpy(b.str, this->str);
         strcpy(b.str + strlen(this->str), a.str);
         cout<< "A + A = "<< b.str<< endl;
         return std::move(b);

A&& is a reference type. b is a function-local object. You're
returning a reference to a function-local object. This produces a
dangling reference. Using this dangling reference invokes undefined
behaviour. When in doubt, avoid declaring functions that return rvalue
references. This is almost always the wrong thing to do. Your operator
+ should "return an object by value". Also, if you return a function-
local object you should not use std::move as this inhibits a potential
copy/move elision.


Thanks a lot!
After 8 years of C++ programming, I realize that return an object by
value, doen't invoke the D'tor of the function-local object.
This is what I am trying to do, but it exists!.

So, the "&&" needed in case where you must put an object in a
vector<UberObjectClass>. Until now, I used vector<UberObjectClass*>.
Am I right??

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