Re: initializing a vector with a sequence of 0, ..., N-1

Carl Barron <>
27 Apr 2006 15:27:54 -0400
In article <>,
ma740988 <> wrote:

Carlos Moreno wrote:

Where the default ctor for the iterator constructs an
iterator with state equivalent to end-of-range, and the
second parameter for the two-argument ctor indicates
when the iterator should become end-of-range.

At least it should be fun as an exercise :-) (and it does
have the added value that the vector is initialized with the
range in one shot, along with instantiation -- no need to
create it empty and then re-assign values to it).

I found the thread in general interesting since I too am often faced a
similar dilema. How would handle a case like this?

    double arr [ 10 ] = { 1., 0., 2., 0., 3., 0., 4., 0., 5., 0. };

    can use a transform_iterator of a counting iterator.
struct func:public std::unary_function<double,int>
    double operator () (int x) {return x % 2;0:1+x/2;}

typedef boost::transform_iterator


inline my_iterator make_my_iterator(int x)
{ return my_iterator(boost::counting_iterator<int>(x),

std::vector<double> array

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