Re: Can 'qsort' have an advantage over 'std::sort'?
Greg Herlihy wrote:
So how does std::sort rearrange items in a container if not by copying
them? The answer is: by swapping them.
I thought that this might be the case, but (a) I can't find any
requirement in the standard that it do so and (b) the implementations I
have handy (STLPort and libstdc++) appear to require the copy
constructor and assignment operator, even though I provide a suitable
swap() overload.
Here's the test I ran:
#include <algorithm>
class foo {
foo(const foo&);
foo& operator=(const foo&);
int mData;
foo(int i = 0): mData(i) {}
foo& operator=( int i ) { mData = i; return *this; }
bool operator<( const foo& rhs ) const
{ return mData < rhs.mData; }
friend void swap(foo& lhs, foo& rhs);
void swap( foo& lhs, foo& rhs )
std::swap( lhs.mData, rhs.mData );
int main()
foo af [3];
af[0] = 3;
af[1] = 2;
af[2] = 1;
std::sort( af, af + 3 );
I checked stable_sort() as well, with the same result.
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