Re: Templates & automatic type conversion

 James Kanze <>
Sun, 10 Jun 2007 21:29:42 -0000
On Jun 10, 11:21 am, Szabolcs <> wrote:

Consider the attached example. When I try to compile it (with g++
4.1.2), I get the error message

error: no matching function for call to 'fun(A<int>&)'

However, if I do not use templates, it compiles without errors.

Could someone please explain why this happens?

// With A and B templates

template<typename T>
struct B { };

template<typename T>
struct A {
        operator B<T> () { return B<T>(); }

template<typename T>
void fun(B<T> b) { }

int main() {
        A<int> a;

Here, there is no function fun, only a function template. The
compiler procedes by trying to do type resolution on the
template. It needs a function with a signature "fun(A<int>)";
it can get by with "fun(A<int>&)", or "fun(A<int> const&)", but
that's about it. So type deduction fails, the function overload
set is empty, and overload resolution complains that it cannot
find a match.

        return 0;


// Without templates

struct B { };

struct A {
        operator B() { return B(); }

void fun(B b) { }

int main() {
        A a;

Here, the compiler has a function, "fun(B)", to add to the
overload set, without any need to do type deduction or
instantiate a template. Since it is the only function in the
overload set (and it can be called), it is the unique best

        return 0;


Is there a workaround?

You've found it: don't use templates:-).

Seriously, if you want complex, user defined conversions to be
considered, you might try offering a second template:

    template< typename T >
    fun( B< T > b )
        fun( static_cast< A< T > >( b ) ;

James Kanze (Gabi Software) email:
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