Re: determine if a type is a free function pointer

"Victor Bazarov" <>
Wed, 12 Sep 2007 12:09:38 -0400
Fei Liu wrote:

I am trying to experiment with typetraits such that I can determine
 if a type is a free function pointer type.

What's a "free function pointer"? One without the arguments? One that
is not a member of any class? One that is not a non-static member?

The following code
example works but it's not generic. As you can see, I have to
enumerate the function signatures. Is there a generic solution? (...
doesn't work btw).

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

template <typename T>
class typetraits{
    template <typename U>
    struct is_free_func_ptr {
        enum { result = false };

    template <typename U>
    struct is_free_func_ptr<U (*)()>{
        enum { result = true };

    template <typename U, typename V>
    struct is_free_func_ptr<U (*)(V)>{
        enum { result = true };

    enum { result = is_free_func_ptr<T>::result };

void foo() { }
void foo(int) { }

struct f{
    void operator ()() const {}

int main(){
    typedef void (*foo_fp)();
    typedef int (*foo_fp2)(int);
    cout << "result: " << typetraits<foo_fp>::result << endl;
    cout << "result: " << typetraits<foo_fp2>::result << endl;
    cout << "result: " << typetraits<void *>::result << endl;
    cout << "result: " << typetraits<void>::result << endl;
    cout << "result: " << typetraits<f>::result << endl;

What output do you expect?

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