Re: Transfer functionality for shared_ptr

From: ("Alf P. Steinbach")
Sun, 14 Oct 2007 06:39:32 GMT
* Carl Barron:

"Alf P. Steinbach" <> wrote:

In other words, the transferTo() member function seems to be safe and
useful functionality that can only reasonably be implemented by
shared_ptr itself, and is not currently present.

I see no way to implement transferTo() using only the current public
functionality of shared_ptr.

  If you create the shared_ptr then its easy

If you don't create it then it's not easy. My article was about the
"not easy" case. The easy case isn't much to remark about.

, Use a custom deleter
with a tunable action such as

    struct may_be_delete
        bool do_it;
        void operator () (T *p)
        { if(do_it) delete p;}

Yes, I noted that elsewere in reply to Dave Steffen, and gave code using
about the same idea, only a bit more const correct both in operator()
etc. (const correctness for argument to operator() is important because
there are cases where you want to store T const* in a shared_ptr).

    now get_deleter<may_be_delete>(p) will return a non const ptr
to the deleter. allowing do_it to be changed to false. The result
is when the shared_ptr's dtor is called nothing is done to the ptr
it contains.
   You just showed an example of why get_deleter<>() returns a non const

No, you have misunderstood.


With a non-const get_deleter, and with you the creator of the
shared_ptr, the code above is unnecessary: all you need to do then is to
install a no-op deleter function.

  Of course if the deleter is wrong or it is not unique then
the copy approach is all there is.

I'm sorry, that's not meaningful to me.

Cheers, & hth..,

- Alf

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