Re: floating point number wrapper

Alex Shulgin <>
Tue, 3 Jun 2008 09:39:01 CST
On Jun 3, 6:00 am, "Hicham Mouline" <> wrote:


I am trying to define a double wrapper that wraps only >=0.0 doubles,

class double_constant_wrapper {
  explicit spot_rate_constant(double r);
  double operator()() const;
  double& operator=(double r);
 double r_;


inline double_constant_wrapper::double_constant_wrapper(double r)
: r_(r)
  if (r<0.0)
    throw exception("number cannot be <0");


inline double double_constant_wrapper::operator() const
  return r_;


inline double& double_constant_wrapper::operator=(double r)
  return r_=r;


If the user attempts to construct a double_constant_wrapper with a <0.0
double, she will get an exception.
Do the members signatures seem ok?

No, the corrected compilable version is below. ;)

#include <stdexcept>
#include <iostream>
#include <ostream>

class double_constant_wrapper {
  explicit double_constant_wrapper(double r);
  double operator()() const;
  double& operator=(double r);
 double r_;

inline double_constant_wrapper::double_constant_wrapper(double r)
    : r_(r)
  if (r<0.0)
      throw std::runtime_error("number cannot be <0");

inline double double_constant_wrapper::operator()() const
  return r_;

inline double& double_constant_wrapper::operator=(double r)
  return r_=r;

    double_constant_wrapper r(0);
    std::cout << r() << std::endl;

And this demonstrates that returning double& in operator=() isn't a
very bright idea with respect to maintaining the class invariant


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