Re: How to use operator overloading?

Richard Herring <junk@[]>
Mon, 18 Jan 2010 17:13:56 +0000
In message <hj23jv$h2j$>, Thomas J. Gritzan
<> writes

Am 18.01.2010 12:32, schrieb io_x:

"io_x" <a@b.c.invalid> ha scritto nel messaggio

"osmium" <> ha scritto nel messaggio

what about this?

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class intc{
 int datum;

While it depends on class design and purpose, your member variables
should normally be private to ensure encapsulation.

 intc() {}
 intc(int a){datum=a;}

Make it explicit:

explicit intc(int a) { datum = a; }

You don't want your ints to be converted into intc instances by accident.

 void show() {cout << "intc datum: " << datum << endl;}
// intc operator+(intc rhs) {return datum+rhs.datum;}
 intc& operator+(intc& rhs);
 intc& operator-(intc& rhs);
 intc& operator*(intc& rhs);
 intc& operator/(intc& rhs);
 friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& ost, intc& b)
 {ost << b.datum << flush; return ost;}

Don't flush the stream after every output of a value. It negates the
effect of buffering and kills performance.

Besides, operator<< isn't the place to terminate lines. It should
follow the model of operator<<(ostream&, int) and do the minimum
necessary to stream a representation of the value. Layout issues like
newlines, other whitespace and punctuation are the responsibility of the
caller, and shouldn't be pre-empted by this operator.

Richard Herring

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