Re: Common base class, reinterpret_cast, and aliasing

"Bob" <nospam@does.not.exist>
Sat, 24 Mar 2007 01:49:49 CST
<> wrote:


In the following code, I have an object of type A, and I reinterpret
it as an object of type B (two consecutive static_casts would work
too). Both types share the same ancestor. As the only accesses to
memory are performed through the base::value member, it seems to me
that aliasing rules are not broken: the program will return 42
according to the C++ standard. Is it a correct assumption? If not, is
there a way to achieve this behavior? Thanks.

Your assumption is incorrect. By using the casts, you are forcing
the compiler to pretend an object of type A is of type B. It is not.
Any usage of the reference b will therefore yield undefined behaviour.

With your compiler, you got lucky (or unlucky, depending on how you look
at it) - the undefined behaviour happened to manifest in a way that you

struct base
  int value;
  int get() const { return value; }
  void set(int v) { value = v; }

struct A: base
  void doA() { set(42); }

struct B: base
  int doB() { return get(); }

int main()
  A a;
  //B &b = static_cast<B &>(static_cast<base &>(a));
  B &b = reinterpret_cast<B &>(a);
  return b.doB();

It really depends on what you are actually trying to achieve.

A better way is to move the operations doA() and doB() into
the base class, possibly as polymorphic functions. But this
does not allow you to force an object of type A to magically morph
into a type B - it requires that the base class offer a more complete
set of operations.

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