Re: Overriding base class

Michael DOUBEZ <>
Wed, 25 Jul 2007 16:55:44 +0200
James Emil Avery a ?crit :

Hi all,

I have a problem where

 1. I have many derived classes of a base class.
 2. The base class has many functions implementing common behaviour.
 3. The code should be the same for all the derived classes, but the
    unctions depend on *static, constant data* that is specific to each
    erived class.
 4. I cannot declare this static data virtual, because I must also be able
    to instantiate the base class; I.e. I must have the static data in the
    base class as a fall-back.

My problem: I override the data in the derived classes, but the common
functions still use the data from the base class.

I do not wish to duplicate the base-class functions to all the many
derived classes, because of the unnecessary blow-up of code size,
decreased readability and maintenance. I also want to keep the data
static, since memory requirements would otherwise drastically increase.

Is there any way in C++ that makes this setup possible? I.e. have code
that is shared between all derived classes, but which depends on data
that is specific to each derived class?

That looks like a job for the "Curiously recurring template pattern"
(CRTP). There is an extensive litteratur about it, just google for it.

Here is an example:
template <class Derived>
struct base
     int value()
         return Derived::value;

  //other function to factor out
  // as a bonus, you can call derived function
  // static_cast<Derived*>(this)->implementation();
  // this is static polymorphism

struct derived : base<derived>

int main()
     derived a;


     return 0;


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