Re: Help with Template-Template and Mixin Polymorphism

TimeHorse <>
Thu, 9 Aug 2007 21:39:03 CST
On Aug 9, 4:12 pm, Greg Herlihy <> wrote:

    // have C inherit from the same class that P<Y> does

    template <class Y, template <class> class P = B>
    struct C : public virtual P<Y>::base_class,
               private P<Y>
        C() {}
        virtual ~C() {}

I'm sorry Greg. This solution will in fact not work for me. I wrote
a simplified example of a Polymorphic Policy Paradigm adapted from
Modern C++ Design by Andrei Alexandrescu but my situation is more
complicated; too complicated to spell out completely. However, the
reason this won't work is simple I think to understand. Again. assume
I have 2 policies in the template list for C, called P and Q, P as
before. Let's say Q does not need to override any template parameters
in A like P (B) does, but it does need to override a different set of
virtual functions in A independant of those defined in B. For
example, let's say A::bar is another pure virtual function that Policy
Q is supposed to handle. Since Q must implement bar, Q also must be
derived from A, only for Q, he will not know what to pass for A's X
template parameter. So he parameterizes X as well. Now, in C, she
has to supply X to Q and A. We solved A by defining P<Y>::base_class,
but we still don't have a way to pass the template-template parameter
to Q and thus his virtual reference to A.

Of course, I could make all the policies take one parameter
representing the correct instantiation of the base class A from which
they should inherit, but it still doesn't solve the P1::X, P2::W
problem from my last post and something makes me nervious about having
a single policy define the base for all other policies like that,
especially when you end up with all other policies taking a single
template parameter of class type representing their public virtual
base class. It can be done, but the symmetry seems off. Thanks


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