Re: Virtual function calls at compile time

Francis Glassborow <>
Fri, 23 Nov 2007 09:31:17 CST
<> <> wrote:

Hello. I have a question regarding the performance cost of virtual
function call

class _Traits {
    virtual int & value () = 0;

    void multiply () {
        value() = value() * 2;

class Number : public _Traits {
    int k;

    Number(int n) : k(n) {}

    int & value () {
        return k;

void funcA(Number a) {
    // This can be optimised right? - it won't be a virtual lookup?

void funcB(Number &a) {
    // How about here?

void funcC(Number *a) {
    // And here?

int main (int argc, char ** argv) {
    Number n(5);


The compiler can optimise this code, but I'm not sure if this is
reliable behaviour across compilers. The reason why this is important
is because I use this structure for implementing traits for specific
template classes:

Optimization is almost by definition something that cannot be relied
upon. Now to the actual details.

When you pass a polymorphic type by value the compiler is not only free
to statically bind calls to its member functions but usually will (it
would need a degree of perversity from the implementor to insist on a
virtual call. Actually I am not certain without going back to the
Standard whether making the call virtual is non-conforming in such a case)

When you pass to a pointer or reference parameter the compiler has, in
general, to use the virtual mechanism because the function has to
implement polymorphism. I wrote 'in general' because in the case that
the function gets implemented inline the compiler may be able to do
static binding. Note that even if you do not declare a function as
inline the implementation can place it inline and increasingly modern
implementations do so, often delaying the decision till link time.

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