Re: ((Object *)NULL)->MemberFunction();

Kai-Uwe Bux <>
Sat, 01 Mar 2008 22:15:21 -0500
Ian Collins wrote: wrote:

Sorry about the subject but it's the most descriptive thing I came up
with. Is something like this safe to do:

// all objects let you get some string ID
class BaseObject {
  virtual const char * GetID (void) const;

Drop the C style void,

virtual const char* GetID() const = 0;

Is correct and idiomatic C++.


   virtual const char * GetID (void) const = 0;

is correct C++, too.

// i can guarantee that no GetID implementations access any
// member data; they all just return a char array, nothing more.

// then, this function gets the ID of an object given it's type,
// without actually instantiating a T:
template <class T> const char * GetObjectID () {
  return ((T *)NULL)->GetID();

This can not work for polymorphic objects. The object has to be
properly constructed in order to call a virtual method.

The code dereferences a null pointer. It has undefined behavior regardless
of whether the method is virtual or not and of whether the the "object"
(which does not exist) is polymorphic or not.


Kai-Uwe Bux

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