Re: Why use new?

Paul Brettschneider <>
Fri, 28 Mar 2008 21:39:23 +0100
James Kanze wrote:

On Mar 27, 8:37 pm, Paul Brettschneider <>

James Kanze wrote:

Paul Brettschneider wrote:

James Kanze wrote:


But when are there any reason to use new?

Lots. Most of the time, you use new because you need an
explicit lifetime for the object. You create it in some low
level function, in response to an external event, and you delete
it in some other low level function, in response to some other
external event.

I guess with the advent of containers with non-copyable
elements, more and more of those new() calls will be hidden in
std::container::insert() calls and the like.

I'm not sure what containers you're talking about, but I very
much doubt that any of the calls to new would be found in their
insert() functions.

In the scenario I described (a very, very frequent one for
servers, GUI's and probably a number of other applications), the
new is in response to an external event, as is the delete.
Containers don't repond to external events.

My idea was that you will have code like this (totally made up
this moment):

Handle open_window(const std::string &title)
   extern std::map<Handle, Window> Windows;
   Handle h(Windows); // Generates unique handle
   Window &w = Windows[h];

   return h;

Which, of course, typically won't work, because classes like
Window typically don't support copy. Also, they are
polymorphic, so the actual type will be something derived from

That's why I said "with the advent of containers with non-copyable
elements". You have a point with polymorphics, though.

And of course, the standard containers don't use the
new operator either, since they separate allocation and

Ok, placement new then.

Generally speaking: if an object has an explicit lifetime, it
almost always also has identity, and so won't support copy, and
can't be put in a standard container. And the standard
containers don't support polymorphism either. There are cases
where it might be appropriate to have a container own an object,
i.e. by containing it via some sort of smart pointer, but they
are fairly rare. Most of the time, the container is at the
service of some higher level concept, and it is the
implementation of the higher level concept (often the object
itself) which takes charge of managing object lifetime.

Here the new() is hidden in operator[] of std::map. IMHO new
and delete are low-level functions (or call them operators)
and application developers should not have to care too much
about them. But maybe I'm just silly?

Maybe. In the applications I work on, or have worked on (large
scale servers, mostly, but also one GUI framework), the

You obviously work on much more complex applications than I do, but what you
describe in response to Ian "feels" like a layering violation to me. Why
should an object know about its containers?

I think it just shows that I come from a RDBMS background and typically I
collect all my objects in containers akin to boost::multi_index_container.
So while you create objects which add themselves to containers, I ask the
container to give me an object of my liking.

I bet your approach is more idiomatic OO/C++, but my code hasn't to be read
by other C++ experts, so it's no problem.

application had to deal with arbitrary lifetimes of entity
objects, and with polymorphic objects, whereas the lower levels
mainly dealt with value objects, or just shuffled pointers
around, and used templates more than dynamic allocation. If the
lifetime of an object is part of the application design, then
the application programmers will have to deal with it.

Sure. But you can deal with it by either calling new or delete or by telling
a container to add/delete objects.

And if
the choice of which polymorphic type to use is determined by
the application, application programmers will have to deal with

So far I only had to deal with simple polymorphics and I would generate them
on the stack and pass them down to some container, which would then use the
virtual clone() method (which does of course use new).
(This probably sounds perverse to C++ veterans. ;))

In my experience, the higher you go in the abstraction
levels, the more the new operator becomes relevant. (There are
some low level structures where it would be relevant as well,
things like graphs and such. I've not had to deal with them
much myself, however.)

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