Re: Initialising classes with pointers to this
On Apr 8, 5:22 pm, "Christopher Pisz" <> wrote:
"Marcel M=FCller" <> wrote in message
Christopher Pisz schrieb:
Not really. A Clone method is most likely some programmer's obsession
with Java coming out in their C++ code. There is really no sense having=
clone method in C++. We overload operator = or provide a copy
I do not agree to the last statement. In polymorphic classes there may b=
a need to invoke the copy constructor in abstact base classes. And since=
the C++ language does not provide a direct way to do this (most other OO=
languages too), a virtual clone method is a common work-around.
Yea, I've seen that too. I think its a bunch of ick. Requiring the Abstrac=
class to know the definition of a derived classes, creating a circular
dependancy. I've also seen people implementing a derived class code
identifier in all the classes in order for the abstract class to tell "wha=
kind am I cloning". There are better solutions IMO.
Why must the abstract base class know the definition of a derived
class? Because the C++ standard allows for covariant return types, the
base class can be made completely oblivious to what subclasses are
defined (that's the whole point). For example:
class Base
// Constructor and other functions omitted for clarity
virtual Base* clone() const = 0;
class Derived : public Base
// Constructor and other functions omitted for clarity
virtual Derived* clone() const;
Note that the return type for the clone() function in Derived is
Derived*, not Base* as declared in the base class. I'm struggling to
see why the base class would need to know what type it is cloning.
Perhaps you could post an example?
Computational Modeling, CSIRO (CMIS)
Melbourne, Australia