Re: Future of C++
Alex wrote:
On Aug 7, 7:01 am, Felipe Magno de Almeida
<> wrote:
It is been like two years ago. The code was something like this:
struct base
virtual std::type_info& get_type() const = 0;
struct derived1
std::type_info& get_type() const { return typeid(*this); }
struct derived2
std::type_info& get_type() const { return typeid(*this); }
You have probably meant
struct derived1 : public base { ... }
and possibly
const std::type_info& get_type() const { ... }
Given that, could you explain what exactly is the problem with the
example you have provided above? To me, it looks like a logical thing
to do when you want to discover the derived type and you only have
access to the base pointer or reference. It is usually faster than
Why all the complication, when you can simply do
typeid(*pb); /* where pb is a pointer to the base class */
The standard guarantees that this yields the type_info for the most
derived class, if the base class is polymorphic.
I know very well how boost.any works and I don't know
what it has to do with what I wrote.
Here's a snippet from boost::any:
class any
const std::type_info & type() const
return content ? content->type() : typeid(void);
template<typename ValueType>
class holder : public placeholder
virtual const std::type_info & type() const
return typeid(ValueType);
Since OgreAny is a carbon-copy of boost::any, it seems to have a lot
with what you wrote.
There is a subtle, but important difference in the two examples.
In the example given by Felipe, the derived class returns the type_info
of *itself*. This is completely useless, as the client code can obtain
the exact same information without a virtual function call.
In the boost::any code, the holder class returns the type_info for *the
class it contains* and is instantiated upon. This information is not
obtainable in any other way.
Bart v Ingen Schenau
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