Re: The C++ Object Model: Good? Bad? Ugly?
On Nov 9, 3:45 am, James Kanze <> wrote:
On Nov 8, 1:08 pm, tonytech08 <> wrote:
On Nov 8, 3:12 am, James Kanze <> wrote:
On Nov 7, 10:20 pm, tonytech08 <> wrote:
On Nov 7, 4:40 am, James Kanze <> wrote:
On Nov 6, 11:29 pm, tonytech08 <> wrote:
Thanks for reiterating my thought: C++ has more support
for OO with "full OO type objects".
More support than what.
More support for OO with "heavyweight" classes than for
POD classes.
You're not making sense. How does C++ have more support for
OO than for other idioms?
Why are you asking that when I said nothing of the sort? I
said that once you put a vptr into the data portion of an
object (for example), it's a different animal than a class
without a vptr (for example!). I distinguished these
fundamentally different animals by calling them "heavyweight"
and "lightweight" classes/object (and apparently wrongly
POD-classes wrongly).
Well, OO is often used to signify the presence of polymorphism,
and the only time you'll get a vptr is if the class is
Moreso, I was concerned that other things one can do with a
class, such as defining overloaded constructors, may make code
fragile against some future or other current implementation of
the language. Who's to say (not me) that someone won't make a
compiler that tacks on or into a class object some other
"hidden" ptr or something to implement "overloaded
constructors"? I don't care if code is generated but I do care
if the compiler starts aberrating the data portion.
Well, that's C++. And C. And Fortran, and just about every
other language I'm aware of. The only language I know which
specifies the exact format of any types is Java, and it only
does so for the built-in types.
So what's your point. Data layout is implementation defined,
period. That was the case in C, and C++ didn't introduce any
additional restrictions.
My point is, apparently, that when a language arrives with "a bit
more" definition at that level, I will use it! But that's a bit
extreme, for one can "get away with" much stuff beyond "it's
implementation defined so it can't be done". If "platform" means
pretty much that one is tied to a single compiler in addition to the
hardware and OS, so be it. So much for such a lame definition of
C++ has support for "full OO type objects", if that's what
you need. Most of my objects aren't "full OO type objects",
in the sense that they don't support polymorphism. C++
supports them just as well.
I think I may be OK without polymorphism in "lightweight"
classes, but overloaded constructors sure would be nice. And
conversion operators. Can a POD class derive from a pure
abstract base class? That would be nice also if not.
And C++ supports all of that.
But am I guaranteed that my a class will stay lightweight if I
do that or is it implementation defined?
Everything is implementation defined. C++ inherits this from C,
and it was pretty much standard practice at the time C was
I'm starting to think more seriously now about putting more effort
into design and evolution of a new language with more definition at
the implementation level to get away from "backward compatibility with
C and perpetuation of C-like paradigm". Much of the headaches with C-
like languages seems so unnecessary.
It's just an abstract way of looking at it. It's hardly a
stretch either, since the C++ object model or at least
most implementations use that as the foundation upon which
to implement polymorphism: tacking a vptr onto "the thing
part" (noun) of "the object".
C++ supports dynamic typing, if that's what you mean. In
other words, the type of an object vary at runtime. But I
don't see your point. It is the designer of the class who
decides whether to use dynamic typing or not. The language
doesn't impose it.
It imposes "a penalty" the second you introduce the vptr. The
class becomes fundamentally and categorically different in a
major way. (Read: turns a lightweight class into a
heavyweight one).
You're throwing around meaningless adjectives again.
Nope. It's true.
compiler has to implement dynamic typing somehow. You don't pay
for it unless you use it, and using a vptr is about the cheapest
implementation known.
It's not just vptrs. It's loss of layout guarantee when you introduce
such things as non-trivial constructors.
(I'm repeating myself again).
I agree that there are other hindrances to having an elegant
programming model. Sigh. That's not to say that one can't get
around them to a large degree. (Not the least of which is:
define your platform as narrowly as possible).
That's a route C and C++ intentionally don't take. If there
exists a platform on which the language is not implementable,
it's pretty much considered a defect in the language.
That's probably what C/C++ "portability" means: implementation of the
language. I'd opt for more designed-in portability at the programming
level in exchange for something less at the implementation level. Even
if that means "C++ for handhelds" or something similar.
I wasn't trying to be implementation literal about it.
Yes, data+behavior= class, but when the implementation
starts adding things to the data portion, that defines a
different animal than a POD class.
But the implementation *always* adds things to the data
portion, or controls how the data portion is interpreted.
It defines a sign bit in an int, for example (but not in an
unsigned int). If you want to support signed arithmetic,
then you need some way of representing the sign. If you
want to support polymorphism, then you need some way of
representing the type. I don't see your point. (The point
of POD, in the standard, is C compatibility; anything in a
POD will be interpretable by a C compiler, and will be
interpreted in the same way as in C++.)
Well maybe I'm breaking new ground then in suggesting that
there should be a duality in the definition of what a class
object is. There are "heavyweight" classes and "lightweight"
There's no strict binary division.
A class with a vptr is fundamentally different than one
without, for example.
And a class with private data members is fundamentally different
from one with public data members. And a class with user
defined constructors is fundamentally different from one
That's a problem, IMO.
There are a number of different classifications possible
The only ones I'm considering in this thread's topic though is
the lightweight/heavyweight ones.
Without defining it or showing its relevance to anything at all.
How is it not relevant to want to know what data looks like in memory?
C++ claims to be low level/close to the hardware and a programmer
can't even know what a struct looks like in memory?
I use C++ with that paradigm today, but it could be more
effective if there was more support for "object-ness" with
"lightweight" classes.
Again: what support do you want? You've yet to point out
anything that isn't supported in C++.
(Deriving from interface classes and maintaining the size of
the implementation (derived) class would be nice (but maybe
Not necessarily impossible, but it would make the cost of
resolving a virtual function call significantly higher. And
what does it buy you? You say it would be "nice", but you don't
explain why; I don't see any real advantage.
No advantage to knowing that a struct size will be the same across
I am just trying to understand where the line of demarcation
is between lightweight and heavyweight classes is and how that
can potentially change in the future and hence break code.
There is no line of demarcation because there isn't really such
a distinction. It's whatever you want it to mean, which puts it
where ever you want.
It means that one must avoid pretty much all of the OO features of the
language if one wants to have a clue about what their class objects
look like in memory.
The limitation appears to be backward compatibity with C.
If so, maybe there should be structs, lightweight classes,
heavyweight classes.
And maybe there should be value types and entity types. Or
maybe some other classification is relevant to your
application. The particularity of C++ is that it lets you
choose. The designer is free to develop the categories he
wants. (If I'm not mistaken, in some circles, these type of
categories are called stereotypes.)
I'm only talking about the two categories based upon the C++
mechanisms that change the data portion of the object.
Which in turn depends on the implementation, just as it did in
C may have other things that you are refering to, what you are
implying, I don't know. I was concerned about the C++ object model
features, of which most of them cause any semblence of data layout
knowledge in memory to get thrown out the window.
Why do you care about the layout of the data anyway? There's
nothing you can really do with it.
Why do you keep saying that? Of course one can do things with data in
memory. It's all just memory and CPU pretty much, afterall. That's
what "close to the hardware" means to me.
Deriving a simple struct from a pure abstract base class will
get you a beast that is the size of the struct plus the size
of a vptr. IOW: an aberrated struct or heavyweight object.
Call it what you want, it's still fundamentally different.
A C style struct is different from a polymorphic class, yes.
Otherwise, there wouldn't be any point in having polymorphic
classes. The difference isn't any more fundamental than making
the data members private would be, however, or providing a user
defined constructor; in fact, I'd say that both of those were
even more fundamental differences.
That, of course, is the whole point of this thread. The polymorhism
case is just the easiest one to talk about because the common
implementation (vptr) is well known.
The change occurs when you do something to a POD
("lightweight") class that turns the data portion of the
class into something else than just a data struct, as when
a vptr is added. Hence then, you have 2 distinct types of
class objects that are dictated by the implementation of
the C++ object model.
The concept of a POD was introduced mainly for reasons of
interfacing with C. Forget it for the moment. You have as
many types of class objects as the designer wishes. If you
want just a data struct, fine; I use them from time to time
(and they aren't necessarily POD's---it's not rare for my
data struct's to contain an std::string). If you want
polymorphism, that's fine too. If you want something in
between, say a value type with deep copy semantics, no
There is NO restriction in C++ with regards to what you can
Yes there is if you don't want the size of your struct to be
it's size plus the size of a vptr. If maintaining that size is
what you want, then you can't have polymophism. Hence,
What on earth are you talking about. C++ doesn't guarantee the
size of anything.
Not if you take the "across the whole universe" approach. I can make
enough simplifying assumptions, though, that will allow me to write
out, byte-wise, a struct and then read it back in with confidence that
I'll get back the same thing I wrote out. That doesn't apply to those
few projects where the goal is to be portable to everthing from the
abacus to the Cray 3001.
(Nor does any other language.) If you need
added behavior which requires additional memory, then you need
added behavior which requires additional memory. That's not C++
talking; that's just physical reality.
That's only one paradigmical view of programming. It's also a very
tedious one. I use C++ "in the mean time" (until something better
comes along). Until then, I'll shoe horn it to make it fit as much as
You seem to be saying that POD classes are not supported
or at least not encouraged.
Where do I say that? POD classes are definitely supported,
and are very useful in certain contexts. They aren't
appropriate for what most people would understand by OO, but
so what. Not everything has to be rigorously OO.
You seemed to imply that the "supported" ("ecouraged" would
probably be a better word to use) paradigms were: A. data
structs with non- trivial member functions and built-in
"behavior" and B. "full OO type objects".
Not at all. You define what you need.
There are the limitations though: you can't have overloaded
constructors, for example, without losing POD-ness.
Obviously, given the particular role of PODs. So? What's your
My point is that I'm worried about defining some overloaded
constructors and then finding (now or in the future) that my
class object is not "struct-like" anymore (read, has some
bizarre representation in memory).
I'm not sure what you mean by "struct-like" or "some bizarre
representation in memory".
Containing only the data members _I_ specified rather than additional
compiler-introduced stuff.
The representation is whatever the
implementation decides it to be. Both in C and in C++. I've
had the representation of a long change when upgrading a C
But "long" seems obsolete to me for that very reason. Use width-
specified ints and test them at compile time.
On the platforms I generally work on, the
representation of a pointer depends on compiler options.
That is not a problem though because lightweight classes shouldn't
have pointers in them. I don't require a guarantee on pointer size. My
compiler flags attempts to do non-portable things with pointers (that
is, 32-bit to 64-bit platform portability).
And on
*ALL* of the platforms I'm familiar with, the layout of a struct
depends on compiler options, both in C and in C++.
Which is fine, as long as you decide on what you can live with. To
program in C/C++ and not force some things to simplify is being way
too anal about portability. My motto: target your platform as narrowly
as possible. Consider things outside of that narrowly defined
platform, a separate product.
The whole point of using a high level language, like C++ (or C,
or even Fortran) is that you're isolated from this
If I wanted separation from "closeness to the hardware", I'd use Java
or something similar.
Or derivation from "interfaces" (?).
How is a C program going to deal with derivation? For that
matter, an interface supposes virtual functions and dynamic
typing; it's conceptually impossible to create a dynamically
typed object without executing some code.
Code generation/execution is not what I'm worried about.
There's not much point in defining something that can't be
Who suggested that?
I'm not sure what you mean by "the data portion to remain
Derive a class and you have compiler baggage attached to the
data portion.
Or you don't. Even without derivation, you've got "compiler
baggage" attached to the data portion. Both in C and in C++.
C++'s baggage is a "deal breaker" though because one doesn't know what
that baggage is. It could be reordering of the data members or crap
inserted in front, behind or in between the data members.
If I ever instantiate a class object that has overloaded
constructors and find that the size of the object is different
from the expected size of all the data members (please don't
bring up padding and alignment etc), I'm going to be unhappy.
Be unhappy. First, there is no "expected" size. The size of an
object varies from implementation to implementation, and depends
on compiler version and options within an implementation. And
second, I've yet to find anything to be gained by changing this.
It's gotten around pretty easily. Yes, you're right, that there is no
"portability.h" file in the standard, but that's not to say that they
are not commonly built up on top of the loosely-defined standard and
Taken literally, the data portion had better remain intact
for all types of objects. If you mean contiguous, that's a
different issue: not even POD's are guaranteed to have
contiguous data (since C doesn't guarantee it)---on many
machines (e.g. Sparcs, IBM mainframes...) that would
introduce totally unacceptable performance costs.
If a platform is so brain-damaged that I can't do things to
have a high degree of confidence that the size of a struct is
what I expect it to be, then I won't be targeting that
platform. Other people can program "the exotics".
So what do you expect it to be? You can't expect anything,
Of course I can and I do. I don't think anyone really expects to use C+
+ "bare", that is without "customizing" it to a useful level with such
things as an in-house "portability.h". Require 64-bit ints? Test for
it and if not there, provide an implementation or bail. Don't like the
endianness of the machine? Handle it or bail.
If anything, C++ specifies the structure of the data too
much. A compiler is not allowed to reorder data if there is
no intervening change of access, for example. If a
programmer writes:
struct S
char c1 ;
int i1 ;
char c2 ;
int i2 ;
} ;
for example, the compiler is not allowed to place the i1 and
i2 elements in front of c1 and c2, despite the fact that
this would improve memory use and optimization.
And I think I have control over most of those things on a
given platform. Which is all fine with me, as long as I HAVE
that control (via compiler pragmas or switches or careful
coding or whatever).
And compilers have alway been free (and always will be free) to
provide such controls. I've never found the slightest use for
them, but they're there.
I wouldn't expect YOU to because you seem to have a paradigm or
preference to view a program as behavior only and "structured data be
damned". That is not my view though.
The standard intentionally doesn't
specify how to invoke the compiler, or what pragmas are
available, to achieve this, since there's nothing you can really
say which would make sense for all possible platforms.
I don't need portability to every possible platform and it is not
practical to program as if you need that all of the time when one
never does. C++ has the goal of being implementable to all platforms
but that is separate from "applied C++" (developing programs for a
target platform(s)).
Anything else would be a contradiction: are you saying you
want to provide a constructor for a class, but that it won't
be called?
Of course I want it to be called. By "POD-ness" I just meant I
want a struct-like consistency of the object data (with no
addition such as a vptr, for example).
I don't understand all this business of vptr. Do you want
polymorphism, or not.
Yes, but without the vptr please (coffee without cream
You mean caf=E9 au lait without any milk. If you have
polymorphism, it has to be implemented.
Again, I just used polymorphism as an example. I'm not really
concerned about that OO feature right now, but am about the features
that more subtley change or potentially change things (read, pull the
rug out from under you). There are classes that I may want
polymorphism but avoid it simply because that would change the class
from lightweight to heavyweight.
If you want polymorphism, the compiler must memorize the
type of the object (each object) somewhere, when the object
is created; C++ doesn't require it to be in the object
itself, but in practice, this is by far the most effective
But what if just pure ABC derived classes were handled
differently? Then maybe the situation would be less bad.
Propose a solution.
I'm not a compiler writer. But I'll bet there are bunch of people here
that could probably come up with something (maybe, I dunno).
If you want polymorphism, the compiler must
maintain information about the dynamic type somehow. Whether
the base class is abstract or not doesn't change anything; an
object must somehow contain additional information. Additional
information means additional bits, which have to be stored
somewhere. The only alternative to storing them in the object
itself is somehow being able to recover them from the address of
the object. A solution which would seem off hand considerably
more expensive in terms of run-time. For practically no
advantage in return.
I haven't analyzed it. Maybe though the pure ABC (interfaces) concept
should not be implemented with the same machinery as non-pure ABCs
(interfaces). Maybe there should be an interface keyword. I dunno. All
I know is that at this time, if I derive from a pure ABC that my class
object will have a vptr tacked onto it.
Well there's another example then of heavyweightness: sprinkle
in "public" and "private" in the wrong places and the compiler
may reorder data members. (I had a feeling there was more than
the vptr example).
Yes, because C compatibility is no longer involved. It is
fairly clear that C actually went too far in this regard, and
imposed an unnecessary constraint which had negative effects for
optimization. Since most people would prefer faster programs
with smaller data, C++ did what it could to loosen this
Bad choice IMO. Has me chompin at the bit for "a much better C++".
Can you give an example of reasonable code where this makes a
Yes, but I'd rather not. It should be clear that I don't want to view
all classes like interfaces (pure ABCs). If data is public, I want to
manipulate it directly sometimes as bits and bytes.
That, and the fact that a class cannot have a size of 0, are
about the only restraints. C (and C++ for PODs) also have a
constraint that the first data element must be at the start
of the object; the compiler may not introduce padding before
the first element.
So you are saying that a non-POD does not have to have the
first data element at the start of the object.
Obviously. Where do you think that most compilers put the vptr?
That eliminates some programming scenarios then and is why I
consciously consider whether to design a class as a lightweight one or
heavyweight one.
Example number 3 of heavyweightness. (NOW we're getting
somewhere!). So "losing POD-ness" IS still "bad" and my
assumed implication of that and use of "POD-ness" seems to
have been correct.
OK. I'll give you example number 4: the size of a long
typically depends on compiler options (and the default varies),
so putting a long in a class makes it heavyweight.
No that doesn't make it a heavyweight class because I can control
that: use width-specific ints and test for the assumption at compile
or runtime.
And is "bad"
according to your definitions.
No, it's only bad when I have no control of it. I can't control the
bizarre contortions a compiler may put my pristine data structs
through as when it does when I choose to use OO features such as
constructors, derivation etc.
I think you're being emminately silly.
That doesn't bother me in the least.
If I'm not mistaken, the next version of the standard
extends this constraint to "standard-layout classes"; i.e.
to classes that have no virtual functions and no virtual
bases, no changes in access control, and a few other minor
restrictions (but which may have non-trivial constructors).
This new rule, however, does nothing but describe current
So in the future I will be able to have overloaded
constructors (I'm not sure what exactly a "trivial"
constructor is, but I assumed that an overloaded one is not
trivial) and still have lightweight classes, good. That threat
of a compiler not putting data at the front of non-PODs is a
real killer.
I have no idea. I've not bothered really studying this in the
standard, because I don't see any real use for it. (I suspect,
in fact, that it is being introduced more as a means of wording
other requirements more clearly than for any direct advantages
that it may have.)
I haven't read it yet, but it would appear that, just going by the
name, there is some recognition that other people want the guarantees
I would like to have and have been bringing up in this thread.